As I Get Older, I Now Realize

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One more chapter left guys! Don't worry, I am planning on making a sequel! Also, Marinette is still in her Ladybug outfit. Just FYI, this chapter might me cringe, but is still important. 

>>>Marinette's POV<<<

"I am not planning on leaving you anytime soon, Princess."


My face flushed a dark red as Chat spoke those words. "T-thanks Chat." I choked out. "We should really get some shut eye Princess, it's getting really late." Chat said, his soft gaze looking into mine. "I-I guess you're right . . ." I say as I lay my head on the soft pillow below me. After a moment or so, Chat filled the gap next to me and we soon fell asleep. 

>>>Time Skip brought to you by Otabek<<<

I wake up to find Chat sleeping next to me peacefully and I giggle softly. My heart starts to race at the position we were in, Chat's legs around my waist in the spoon position. As much as I didn't want to push Chat off, he was crushing a majority of my wounds, and I started to wince at the pain shooting up my body. I start to pry his strong grip off my body, but his grip tightened and my blush deepened, if that was even possible. "C-Chat! Let me go!" I scream. Chat buried his face into my neck and shook his head. "Chat, you will have to let me go eventually." I giggled. "Fiiiiinnneeeee." I heard Chat complain, and his grip loosened as he sat up in the bed. "I'm so glad that I get to be the one to protect you M'lady~" Chat cooed as his gaze melted into mine. 


"Ugh! I'm so bored!" I complained to Chat. After a few moments of Chat thinking of what to do, he looked at me with a grin plastered on his face. "How about we play a game of truth or dare?" Chat suggested. 

"How about not." I responded, giving Chat the glare. "Pllleeeasse?" Chat pleaded. "Fine. Just promise you don't do anything stupid, you dumb chaton." I reasoned. "I Puuuuur~omise." Chat said while raising up his right hand. "Hmmmmm. Okay, do you want to start?" I asked.

"Sure. Truth or dare?" Chat asked with an evil grin. What did I get myself into! I mentally face-palmed. "Truth." I responded, thinking it was the safest option. "Who do you liiikkeeeeee?" Chat asked, and giggled as I face-palmed. "Well . . ." I started. "Well, I used to like this guy in my class named Adrien Agreste." I finished. "What do you mean by, 'used'?" Chat asked, his ears twitching in question. 

"Well, I like another person now . . ." Okay, try to be as vague as possible! "I-I like this person. He wears leather, looks like a cat and tells stupid cat puns 24/7." Marientte! That was anything but vague! Hopefully Chat is dense enough to not know that I referenced him! "Hmmmm. Is this person my doppelganger or something?" Chat asked, confusion in his green gaze. "Yes! Yes . . . Uh, yeah! that person is totally your doppelganger!" I told the cat-themed hero. "Hmmmm. I guess I have competition then!"  Chat said, his voice raising in determination. Oh my God! How can someone be that dense!? (Speak for yourself Marinette) Well, I completely dodged that bullet. "C-can we move on, please?" I asked, my face completely red. "Sure!" Chat responded. "Okay, truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth." Hmmmm. What do I ask? Oh! I got it! "Do I know you outside of the mask?" I asked, curiosity itching up my spine. 

"Yes. In fact, we are closer than you may think, Buginette." Hmmmmm. I wonder who Chat really is behind that mask of his. "O-okay." I choked, not knowing what to say. "Anyways! Truth or dare?" Chat asked, changing the subject with ease. "Dare." I said with determination. I mean, what could go wrong! Right?

"I dare you to have me do your make up!" Chat said, clearly excited. Oh God. Lets just hope there is no makeup here. I bet Chat doesn't even know what foundation is. "Ugggggghhhh. Fineeee." I complained while Chat walked into the bathroom to find the makeup. "AHHA!" Chat yelled triumphantly as he found the makeup bag in the cabinet. I face-palmed, debating if I should just bury my face in a pillow for the rest of my life. "Trust me! I know what I'm doing!" Chat said while going back into the bedroom. "Okay, then what's foundation?" I asked while tapping my foot on the tile impatiently. "I dunno, but I'll figure it out eventually." Chat said while emptying the makeup bag on the floor. "Sheesh, that's reassuring." I said to myself while going to join Chat on the floor. "So, you ready to have an extreme makeover?~" Chat cooed as he grabbed a bunch random stuff. "Pucker up!" Chat proclaimed as he grabbed the eye liner and smeared it all over my lips. 

"AKK!" I screamed and I spit eye liner out of my mouth. "Chat, do you even know what that was!?" I screamed at him. "No. Like I said, I will figure it out." He giggled. "That was eye liner, you doofus! Just hurry up and get this over with!" I shouted. "Ah, ah, ah. Don't rush perfection Princess." Chat replied. "I'm not rushing perfection, I'm rushing you!" (I dunno 'bout ya'll, but I'm getting dejavu) "Me-owch, Bugaboo!" Chat whined as he acted offended. 

"Just get this over with." I complained. I look over to find Chat digging through the pile of makeup and soon came across the lip stick. Chat opened that lip stick and smeared is on my eye lids as eye shadow. "Are you kidding me!? This is unethical!" I screamed. "Nope. This is all perfectly legit, Princess." Chat said as he continued to smear the lip stick over my eye lids. After Chat was done smearing the cold lip stick ever my eye lids, he grabbed the eye shadow and smudged it all over my face. "Oh my God Chat." I face-palmed. "I know, it looks amazing!" Chat said triumphantly. "Yeah, it looks amazing." I said, sarcastically. 

After Chat was done with the make up, he kissed my nose as a finishing touch. "There, all done." Chat said as he looked at his 'masterpiece'. I blushed as his soft lips left the tip of my nose, causing a stinging sensation throughout my body. "Now, lets go get you cleaned up Princess." Chat said as he helped me up from the floor and lead me to the bathroom. As we entered, Chat grabbed a rag and wet it in warm-ish water, and started to clean off my face. "Ya know, I am perfectly capable of cleaning off my own face." I said as I stared at his gorgeous green eyes. "You already know that everything is better when I do it." Chat cooed as he continued to wipe off my face. 

I can't really argue with that . . . I sighed as I let Chat continue to wipe off my face. 

>>>Time skip brought to you by Yuno Gasai<<<

I had already used my lucky charm, and for some reason Chat couldn't use his Cataclysm. This is a lost cause! We should just give up! "Chat! There are too many of them!" I can't believe the gang members made it to this part of the forest! "It's okay! We can face them!" No! It's not okay! The gang members want my dead body! I choked back the words as I flipped over a series of gang members. As I was done, I was shot in the chest with a bullet. I cried out in pain as the bullet hit my chest. All I could hear was Chat yelling my name and everything started to fade like a distant memory. 

Omg, guys. I am totally in love with this book so far! I am going to make a sequel to this book. I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I have been really busy lately. But I will post another chapter this weekend to make it up to you guys. 

See ya my Cinnamon Rolls!~


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