I Wish I Knew

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(A/N) I am so sorry for not updating in like, forever! I hope this chapter will make it up to you guys! Hope you enjoy! Updates might be slow. Prepare for fluff!

>>>Marinette's POV<<<

"And I love you M'lady" Chat told me, love stitched in his voice. "C-Chat-" I started, not sure how to finish. "I-I l-love you too." I have no chance with Adrien, he barely even notices me. And even when he does, we barely talk to one another because he has photo shoots to go to. Might as well give Chat a chance. After a few moments Chat pulled me into a wonderful kiss. A kiss not full of lust . . . But a kiss full of 








After a few moments of shock, I kissed back not wanting the kiss to end. After a minute or two, Chat pulled away, love evident in his beautiful green eyes. Chat then looked outside the window and then back at me."You should really go to bed princess. It's getting really late and we had a long night so far." Chat then held both of my hands. "But I don't want too!" I whined, like a five year old child. Without warning, chat picked me up bridal style and walked out of the main room. "C-CHAT! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING! PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed, kicking my legs and squirming like a fish. "I'm taking you too your room. And no, I'm not putting you down." Chat said while giggling. Chat then walked away from the kitchen into a hallway with three bed rooms. After a minute or so of me squirming and yelling for Chat to put me down, we finally reached the bed room where chat finally put me down. "A princess needs her beauty sleep!" chat said, winking while setting me down on the bed. I decided not to fight back anymore and let chat do his thing. Chat then tucked me in the bed, pulling the blankets up to my neck. After he did so, he kissed me on the forehead. "Sleep well my Puurrr~incess." Chat said while turning off the light. When Chat was about to leave, I grabbed his wrist. "Where are you going? My voice laced with confusion. "I was going to check the perimeter of the cabin to make sure the coast was clear." He then kissed my hand. "Be careful." I told the cat-themed super hero, my voice showing a hint of worry." Awww is my Puuuurrr~incess worried about me?" Chat said in a flirtatious tone. "W-well, I-" I started, and didn't know how to finish my sentence. "What? Cat got your tongue?" Chat replied flirtatiously. "J-just be careful, okay?" I responded, slightly worried for Chat. "Alright my Puuuurr~incess!" Chat winked at me and then walked out of the room. "Silly kitty." I mumbled half to myself. I then heard the front door of the cabin close, indicating that Chat was gone.

>>>Le time skip, brought to you by Sans<<<

I walked out of the bed room, stretching after a good nights sleep. "Hmmm . . . Chat was right. All I needed was some sleep." I walked into the main room, to find Chat staring blankly at a wall, his face emotionless. "C-Chat? Are you okay?" I asked, my voice wavering a bit as I walked towards him. "No." Chat said, his face emotionless. "Marinette, this is your fault! If you didn't foolishly kill that man we wouldn't be in this mess!" Chat violently turned his head towards me, his once loving green eyes, now showing anger and hatred. Before I could respond, Chat interrupted my thoughts. "Now that I think about it, I should have used my cataclysm on you! You are a failure Marinette! I should have left you there in that alley way!" Chat screamed at me. Tears filled the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill. "Ch-Cha-" Chat cut me off, "You deserve to die!" After those words, I broke down sobbing, letting the tears fall down my cheeks and onto the ground. I tried to tune out all of his words, but they just kept ringing in my mind, causing me to scream. 


>>>No One's POV<<<

Chat rushed into the cabin in a hurry due to Marinette's screaming. Chat ran into Marinette's room, rushing to her bedside. Marinette's pillow and blankets now dampened with tears. "M'Lady? What happened?" Chat looked into her cerulean eyes, that are now red and puffy from crying. "I-I h-had a n-nightm-mare." The pig tailed girl choked out. Chat then held the petite girl's hand. "It's okay my princess, it was just a dream. It was not real, none of it was." Chat placed his hand on her cheeks and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. Marinette looked up at the hero, sadness clouding her mysterious cerulean gaze. More tears began to fall from Marinette's blue bell gaze, tears falling on her blankets that were scattered around her bed. Chat then wiped those tears away, wiping off her face from the salty tears. "I-it f-felt so r-real. Y-you said t-t-that I deserve t-to die, a-and t-that y-you w-would h-h-have rather left me i-i-in th-that alley w-way." Marinette choked out, her voice wavering. "Don't cry my princess." Chat then climbed into the bed, getting under the covers, then patting the space next to him, signalling for Marinette to fill the space next to him. With a moments hesitation, Marinette then filed the space next to him. When Marinette was situated, Chat brought her close, her hands placed on his chest and Chat's hands placed around her waist. Blush lightly dusted Marinette's cheeks when their faces were only centimeters apart. "Want to know why it wasn't real?" Chat continued. The now blushing girl nodded. "You of all people don't deserve to die my princess. If you died, I don't know what i'd do with myself if I saw you die. You of all people don't deserve to die M'lady." Chat told her, meaning every word he said. "Ch-Chat I-I-" Marinette started, but was cut off by Chat's lips connecting with hers. Marinette soon melted into the kiss after a few seconds. After a minute or two, Chat broke away from the kiss. "T-thank you mon chaton." Marinette said wile she looked in Chat's forest green eyes. A few moment later Marinette nestled into the crook of chat's neck. "Please don't leave kitty." The petite girl pleaded in a soft voice. "I'm not planning to Princess, I will be with you forever." Chat told her, mysterious cerulean eyes meeting forest green eyes

Hello my Cinnamon Rolls! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I hope that I will be able to update more frequently! Feel free to vote and leave a comment!

Author ~ Chan

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