The Prison

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We spent the entire winter going from house to house. We stayed on the road a lot. I found out for the first time Lori was pregnant a few days after we left the farm. By now I would say she was about 8 months. We needed to find somewhere safe to have the baby.

We pulled up to an old rickety house and, Rick, T, Daryl, Carl and I went in first and combed the place for walkers. Once it was clear, we brought everyone else in.

Daryl shot an owl upstairs that would be our breakfast.

Everyone sat in the living room in silence. Carl came in with a can of dog food and a can opener. We all stared in defeat except Daryl who was too busy plucking the feathers of his kill to notice he even came in.

Rick came and saw Carl trying to open the dog food. He grabbed it from his hand and angrily through it into the fireplace.

"Pssstt" T dog whispered and gestured to the window.

About a dozen walkers were nearing the house. We quickly grabbed our things and the few supplies we could scrounge up from the place and we're on the road... Again.

We stopped a few miles away to look at the map. Carl and Beth took watch on the front and back of our group of cars.

"We've got no place left to go." I claimed as Rick pulled out the map.

"If this herd meets with this one we will be cut off." She pointed at the areas we saw Atleast 150 walkers in each.

"So we're blocked." I said in frustration.

"We could double back through 27 and to Greensville." Glenn offered.

"Yeah we picked through that already." T said. "It's like we spent the whole winter going in circles."

"Yeah I know." Rick said "At Newnan we'll push west. We can't keep going house to house. We need to find a place to hold up for a few weeks." He looked back at Lori sitting in the car.

"She can't handle much more of this." Hershal said to Rick.

"What else are we gonna do. Let her give birth on the run?" Rick asked.

"Do you see a way around that?" Hershal said. Rick looked back a Lori.

"Hey." Daryl nudged my shoulder. I looked back at him.

"While the others wash their panties, let's go huntin'." I nodded I was starving.

"Yeah. That owl didn't exactly hit the spot." I joked.

We walked along a track and looked over this creek and saw a prison. The field was full of 2 or 3 dozen walkers.

"It's a shame." Daryl said.

"No... It's perfect." I told him as we hurried back to the road to tell the others.

Glenn cut the chain linked fence with some bolt cutters and we slid onto the other side and Glenn tied up the open fence just before a walker latched onto the fence.

We hustled to the  gate to get into the field. We stopped

"Its perfect." Rick said. "If we can shut the gate, prevent more walkers from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We can take the field by the night."

"So. How do we shut the gate?" I asked.

"I'll do it." Glenn offered.

"No." Maggie protested "Suicide run."

"I'm fastest." He continued.

"No. You, Maggie and Beth draw them over there. Pop 'em through the fence." Rick instructed. "Daryl, Sam go back to the other tower. Carol, You've become a pretty good shot. Take your time, We don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershal, you and Carl take this tower... I'll run for the gate."

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