Block D

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We headed into the tombs, weapons in hand. Daryl and I lead the way to cell block D which was the block the prisoners chose. We heard a few walkers around the corner but we knew there weren't many. We waited at the corner.

"Their comin'!" Axel yelled.

"Shhhh." I told him.

We saw two walkers coming at us slowly Daryl held up three fingers and counted down. But before he could the prisoners went at the walkers. Tomas and Big Tiny pushed one down and started kicking it in the ribs.

Andrew and Oscar held the others arms back while Axel stabbed it several times in the chest which obviously had no effect on the walker.

I cut in after a few moments of watching them fail at putting down the walkers and shoved a knife into its head. Daryl then shot the other walker from where he was standing with his crossbow.

"Come on people. What the hell?" I said to them getting up.

We then heard atleast a dozen walkers coming closer.

"Tight formation." Rick said. "No more prison riot carp."

They turned the corner and started coming at us.

"It's gotta be the brain." Daryl said shooting one coming. "Not the stomach, not the heart." He said shooting another. "The brain."

Oscar chopped one in the head with his hatchet.

"Like that?"

"Nice." I said to him.

More walkers began to flood in. We were almost done taking them out pretty easily when we heard a man scream behind us.

Big Tiny was away from the rest of the group fighting a walker. Rick rushed into help him but Tomas took out his gun and shot the walker three times in the head.

We all glared at him. Big Tiny rubbed his hand over his shoulder looked at his fingers. They were covered in fresh blood.

"I'm telling ya'." He said braking the silence. "I dont feel anything."

"Im sorry man." Rick said with his head down.

"You cut the old dudes leg off." Andrew yelled.

"Check out where the bite is." I replied pointing my axe at his bite which was right on his shoulder.

"Guys I'm fine!" Big Tiny interrupted us. "Look at me. I'm not turning into one of those things."

"Quit just standing there. We have to save him!" Andrew protested.

"There's nothing we can do." Rick told him.

"You son of a bitch." Andrew said. I was just about to step in and say something when I saw Tomas walked up to Big Tiny and hit him over the head with a crow bar. We all stared in disbelief.

He looked up at us the turned back Big Tiny's body. He started to smash his head in with the crow bar. He hit him again, and again, and again.  He had to hit him atleast 10 times until he was worn out. Big Tiny's head was smashed into the cement ground. Tomas looked up with blood all over his face and a crazed look in his eyes. We then proceeded to Block D.

"Did ya' see the look in his eyes?" I whispered to Rick and Daryl as we stayed out of ear shot of the rest of the group.

"He makes one move." Rick said.

"Just give me a signal." Daryl replied.

We found the entrance to cell block D.  The double doors were locked and there was a muffled sound of many growls on the other side. Rick tossed the keys to Tomas.

"Hell no. I ain't oppening that." Tomas said.

"Oh yes you are." Rick replied. "It's the block you wanted. Now open it. Just the one. Cause' we need to control this."

Tomas thumbled through keys to get the right one then put it into the door.

"You bitches ready?" He asked. then stuggled to open then door. With frustration he then opened both doors as walkers flooded the room.

"I said one door!" Rick yelled.

"Shit happens." Tomas replied.

We frantically took down a few as I noticed Tomas throw a walker at Rick.  Daryl was quick to save him just as we were done with the walkers.

Rick angrily walked up to Tomas.

"He was coming right at me bro." was his excuse.

"Oh no. I get it. I get it... Shit happens." Rick responds. The room was dead silent until Rick raised his hatchet and sliced Tomas in the head.

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