It Was Him

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"Run!" I yelled. I began shooting at them all.

"Sam!" I heard Daryl yell.

"Lorii!" Rick yelled.

There were so many of them. I noticed the gate to the far end of the prison was open.

"There are too many!" I yelled.

Maggie ran to help Beth and Hershal to safety. T dog helped Carol try to get into to tombs.

"Lori, Carl, come on." I yelled to them opening the gate to our cell block.

We ran in trying to get to the cells when we were pushed back by walkers.

"This way!" I pushed them infront into the tombs.

We ran down a few hallways when Lori stopped and grunted in pain.

"Lori. What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think the baby's coming." She responded.

"Are you shitting me?!" I was cut off by walkers coming at us from down the hallway.

Carl and I both helped to carry Lori away from the walkers.

We found an open door after we turned a few corners.

"In here." I said and helped Lori down the steps as Carl shut the door behind us.

We heard alarms begin to blare throughout the prison. Lori held onto some chains on the wall.

"What are those alarms?" She asked weakly.

"Don't worry about it." I told her. She began breathing heavily having a contraction.

I remember before we got to the prison and Lori's pregnancy progressed, Hershal taught Carol and I the steps on how to deliver a child.

"Can she breath?" Carl asked.

"She's fine." I reassured him. "Now let's get your pants off Lori."

We need to get you back to Hershal." Carl said.

"Carl, We can't get getting caught out with the walkers." I told him.

"The baby's coming now." She said between breaths.

"We should lay you down." I offered.

"I gotta push." She said. I helped her stand as she held onto some nobs on the wall and pushed.

"Your doing great Lori." I told her as she pushed one more time and I noticed something was wrong.

"Lori, Lori stop don't push." I said as she screamed and I felt blood on my hands.

I laid her down on the cement floor. She was really pale. She had lost a lot of blood.

"Mom stay with me." Carl said holding her hand.

"Lori your not even fully dialated. And with all this blood you lost no amount of pushing is gonna help." I told her.

"I know what this means. And I can't lose my baby." I think I know what this means too. And I was terrified of being right. "You need to cut me open."

"Lori no."

"You have to."

"Lori Hershal taught Carol that, not me." I told her.

"You need to."

"I need to get Hershal." Carl said and ran for the steps."

"No!" Lori yelled.

"I have no anesthetic. No tools--"

"Carl has a knife." She said. I paused.

"But... You won't make it." I told her.

"My baby has to. Please. For all of us." Lori pleaded. "Please, Sam, please!"

I shook my head.

She lifted her shirt to show her belly.

"See my old c-section scar?" She asked.

"I can't" I repeated.

"You can. You have to." She said then turned to Carl. "Baby I don't want you to be scared."

"You don't have to do this." He cried.

"Your gonna be fine. You are gonna beat this world. I know you will. You are smart, and you are strong, and you, are so brave." She cried. "And I love you."

"I love you too." He replied.

"You have to do what's right." She continued. "It's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world so if it feels wrong don't do it.. If it feels easy don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you."

"Your so good." She said as she wiped the tears falling down Carl's cheeks. "Your the best thing I ever did. And I love you." They hugged and wailed and cried.

I couldn't hold back the tears. I let them fall as they were saying their 'I love you's and she laid her head back.

Carl handed me his knife.

"Good night love." She whispered.

"I'm so sorry." I said as I slid the knife across her skin deep.

She screamed in pain as I cut deeper to the uterus. She passed out.

"Carl I need you to hold the cut open." I said to him. He hesitated.

"Carl." He held open the cut. as I reached my hands to feel for the baby. I felt the head and gently pulled the baby out.

It was a girl. I pulled her out but she did not cry.

I began to panic. I rubbed her back and patted it and she gasped for air. I smiled.

Carl handed me his jacket which wrapped the baby in.

"We gotta go." I told Carl.

"Wait! We can't just leave her. She'll turn." He said. I pulled out my gun.

"No." He said.

"Carl.." I said.

"She's my mom."

I nodded and left with the baby to the door. I checked the hall and the herd of walkers was just turning the corner and didn't notice me.

I turned around to check on Carl when I heard a gunshot. He rushed right pass me. I hurried to stay with him with the baby in my arms.

We mad it out to the courtyard and Rick was cut off by the baby crying.

I walked slowly toward them. Carl behind me.

Rick looked at me with so much pain and fear.My breathing got heavy. He dropped his hatchet and walked toward me. Daryl stayed behind him.

"Whe-Where is she?" He asked.

"I-I..." Was all I got out.

Rick walked passed me.

"Rick.. Rick no." I grabbed his shoulder. He began crying.

"Nohoho." He fell to the floor.

I walked over to Daryl I stared at hi. wife eyed in shock of everything that happened today. He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest as I held that child in my arms and cried.






I started this update the minute I ended thrower one. I have a great idea for the story but I won't be able to bring it up for a while. Thank you guys for reading. And 697 reads. I'm so happy you guys are enjoying it.:)

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