The Aussie Game

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Alex POV:

This game is ridiculous, I could do better. I sat on the cold bench next to Moe and Syd and watched our team run around the turf, chasing the game. The score was 2-0, Australia was winning. Fucking Australia. I huffed and placed my elbows on my knees. Halftime whistle.

Jogging into the locker room, I sat down and waited for the team to walk in. Once Kelley and Allie walked in I got up, giving them both hugs for the first half. "You got it guys."

"Yeah right, we're fucked." Kelley pouted and I put my arm around her shoulders.

"You're fine, just keep playing."

"No shittttt, Al." Allie smiled at me and went to get water.

"Jill needs to put you in." Kelley said a bit quieter.

"I wish. Bench warming is getting lame." I said and my eyes wandered over to the dark-haired striker who was talking with Crystal.

"Don't worry," Kelley said and shoved my shoulder a bit, "Jill will wake up soon."

"Doubt it." I sat back down at my locker and tied and untied my cleats until halftime was over. Once they called us back out, I sighed with relief and stood up.

While walking out, I walked beside Christen. I forced a smile and put my hand on her shoulder. "Good luck out there, Chris. Get a hat trick for me." I said and Christen smiled, making eye contact with me for a moment before looking away.

"You know I'll try." She said and I gave her another feigned smile before she jogged onto the pitch.

I secretly hoped she wouldn't score.

She did. I stood up with the rest of the team and clapped and cheered as Christen celebrated with Mal and Lindsey. 2-1, Australia ahead. I felt a pit in my stomach as Christen jogged back to the half-line and Jill gave her a thumbs up. Fuck me.

"Krieger and Morgan, you're in." Jill shouted down the sideline and I jumped up and took off my US zip-up.

They handed me a card and I handed it to the referee. The board went up and I waved to Christen, who looked down and started jogging over. Her disappointment basically radiated off her. She glanced at me and smiled as the crowd roared, either for her or me I wasn't sure. I nodded at her and we high-fived each other very quickly before I ran out.

Final score 2-1, Australia wins. I bit my tongue hard as I shook hands with the Australian team, making sure to hug Steph before I wandered over to the cooler to get water.

"You did well, Al." Allie reassured me, sitting down with me as I stretched.

"Jill should never have put me in. I suck."

Allie threw a water bottle at me and I threw it back at her. "You know you don't suck."

"Mhmm." I said and continued to stretch. Sure, now Jill knows Christen is better than me, and she's right. She can score and I can't. I kept my eyes down on the grass as I felt someone sit down next to me. I didn't bother looking up until I heard her voice.

"Good game, Alex." Christen smiled widely at me and I knew she was only happy because she knew she outplayed me. This bitch.

I swallowed my feelings. "Thanks, Christen. You did awesome, congrats on the goal."


"I guess we already know who's starting on Thursday." I laughed unenthusiastically and pulled up some of the grass.

"I wouldn't say that." Christen sat back and I could sense she was uncomfortable.

Jill, who was roaming around and congratulating the Australian coaches, walked past us. "Good game, girls." She smiled and we both nodded, but as she walked away she patted Christen on the shoulder. Subtle yet obvious. My jaw clenched and I sat upright.

"I'm gonna go to the bus."

"Yeah, I should be going too." Christen said and got up with me. Okay, I'm only slightly annoyed right now.

We walked together into the nearly empty locker room and I got my stuff together quickly, hoping I could walk to the bus alone. But when I finally picked up my bag, I turned around and found Christen already ready to go, a duffel bag slung over her shoulder.

"Hey, I think I left my headphones at the bench." Christen said and I raised my eyebrows a bit as people started to pour into the locker room.

"Oh okay, I'll just see you on the bus, Chris." I grinned and squeezed her shoulder slightly as I walked past her and out the door.

Being the first one on the bus, I sat down in my usual seat and put my feat on the aisle seat so my back was against the window. Rummaging through my bag, I found my rose gold beats headphones and pulled them out. They were wireless, so when I pulled them out and a cord came out with them, I was obviously confused. But once I got them untangled and pulled them out, I realized they weren't mine. But Christen has a pair like this.

I sighed and thought about just giving them to her when she gets on the bus. But then I remembered she was looking for them so that could hold up the bus, so I just got off. Passing by the reporters and photographers, I walked back down the tunnel as most of the team was heading towards the bus.

"Hey, have you seen Christen?" I asked Kelley as she walked by me.

"Maybe back on the field? I'm not sure."

I nodded and went back onto the field. Christen was there, but instead of looking for her headphones she was signing autographs for some fans who stayed late. Walking over, I greeted them and signed a couple of jerseys and took a couple pictures before I pulled Christen aside.

"I found your headphones, they were in my bag. Someone probably thought they were mine."

Christen's eyebrows scrunched in confusion and she took the headphones from me. "Oh, thanks." She turned to go back to some fans, but I held her arm.

"I think the bus is waiting for us."

She looked down at my hand and then at the fans once more before turning around. "Okay, then let's go."

Once we stepped on the bus I sighed slightly. Allie had betrayed me with Kelley, so my seat was taken. "Alright, O'hara, I see how it is." I smirked at Kelley and she shrugged nonchalantly. I turned to look for a seat and noticed one row untaken. Slumping down, I sighed again.

"Can I sit here? There's kinda like, no more seats." I looked up and met Christen's green eyes as she sat down without waiting for a response.

"Sure." I said, trying not to sound rude.

The hotel was only about 30 minutes away, but with the traffic it was more like an hour. It went by very slowly. Music only entertains a person for so long and soon I found myself an audience member to Pinoe and Syd's singing contest. I took a video of Pinoe singing and dancing to One Dance by Drake to put on the USWNT snap story and I heard a laugh. It was sweet and song-like, like a child on christmas. I heard it again and I turned to Christen, who was laughing wholeheartedly at the singing. A smile pulled at my lips and Christen looked at me, smiling back. A lump formed in my throat and I looked out the window to try to stop smiling.

Finally the bus pulled up to the hotel.

End of Chapter 1:

Hey, so I started this Chrislex story because I felt this friendship really needs some love and support... I hate how they are replacements for each other and I wish Jill would play them up top together honestly. They are honestly so cute and this story will also be cute :)

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