Forget bus buddies, they're van buddies

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Alex's POV:

I didn't mean to wrap my arm around Christen, but it just felt natural. Friends always wrap their arms around each other, right? Totally normal.

As we continued to watch the movie, Christen jumped and hid her face a couple of times. It was insanely adorable. After she yelled at me for making her look at a scary part, I shrugged and turned my head making eye contact with Allie. She gave me a confused look, raising on of her eyebrows while looking between Christen and I. Okay, maybe this isn't what all friends do.

Slowly, I moved my arm away from her and we watched the rest of the movie in silence, besides Pinoe's laughter. When the movie ended, we all chatted for a couple of minutes before departing to our own rooms for the night.

"Nighty-night, babyhorse." Kelley said jokingly as she basically skipped down the hall with Allie. I sighed, but then Christen passed me and opened our door. She had a smile plastered on her face and I felt myself smiling too.

"Night, Alex."

"Goodnight, Christen."


In the morning, I remember vaguely waking up to two hands on my shoulders, shaking me.

"You're going to be late, Alex." I heard Christen's voice and I groaned, flipping over in the bed.

"Late to what?"

"Breakfast, dummy."

"Ugh, who cares? Can I just meet you down there?" I mumbled and Christen gave up, walking over to her bag.

"I guess." I could hear the sarcasm in her voice and I groaned again, this time sitting up and pulling my legs over the side of the bed.

"Just give me five minutes." I said, standing up. Christen turned around and gave me a smile, sitting down on her own bed.

We walked down to breakfast together.

"Sleep well?" I asked trying to make small-talk while we were in the elevator.

"Yeah, did you?"

"Yeah," I looked down for a moment and then back up at christen, "but it's pretty hard when all I can hear is your snoring."

Christen looked baffled and I felt a smile tugging at my lips. "I do not!"

"Don't what?"


"Oh, yes you do." I replied and Christen crossed her arms, pouting. Wow, she looks really cute.

"You're so wrong."


When we walked into breakfast, I looked for our usual group and walked over, Christen not far behind me.

"Goodmorning, superstars." Kelley smiled with a mouthful of pancakes and I saw a few people raise their eyebrows at me and Christen showing up together. Oh please, we're roommates... why can't we walk to breakfast together? If they turn this into another thing like they did with "Talex" I'll kill them...

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