Movie Night

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Christen's POV:

We walked off the bus to go into the hotel. I was walking with Alex, but she got held up by some fans. What's new.

"Something bothering you?" Julie asked me as we walked next to each other into the hotel.

I looked at her and smiled slightly. "No, why?"

"Good," Julie continued, giving me a side hug. "Because you did well today. Scored and everything. Jill is definitely gonna start you on Thursday."

Instinctively, my eyes drifted over to the other striker who had now walked ahead of us. "I don't know."

"Of course you will."

"Yeah," I replied, "I hope so, I guess."


"Alright ladies, here's the roommate list for the next week." Dawn said while putting a piece of paper down on one of the tables in the dining hall.

The whole team rushed to the list, so I just hung back for a minute to wait for it to clear out a bit. I saw Julie and Mal smile at each other and walk away together, so I assumed they were rooming together. Great. Then I saw Kelley and Allie high-five while Alex looked down at the paper. She glanced at me for a moment and looked back down at the paper.

"We're roommates." Alex said and walked over to me.


"Yeah." And with that she walked away to the front desk to get a room key.

I got one too and we walked to the elevator. As the door shut and we waited for our floor, I sensed Alex was anxious or annoyed or something by the way she stood with her arms crossed and eyes locked in on the floor number. This is getting ridiculous.

"Alex, what's up?"

Her eyebrows raised slightly. She looks cute when she does that. Stop. Stop thinking that Christen. "Nothing much, how 'bout you?" A smile tugged at the corner of her lips and I sighed.

"You knew what I meant, Alex."

"Seriously, I don't know. Why do you ask?" Alex replied nonchalantly and got off the elevator.

"Because you've been acting standoffish. I mean," I continued, stepping in front of her to stop her from walking away from me, "not like this is new or anything, but honestly, I just want to know what's wrong between us."

Alex stopped and looked at me for a moment, her blue eyes scanning my face. Then she sighed and leaned against the wall. "Nothing is wrong between us, Chris. I'm sorry I've been rude to you, I guess... I'm just jealous because you're in form and I'm not." Her response surprised me for a second. The Alex Morgan, jealous of me? Yeah, right. When she didn't get an immediate response, Alex looked uncomfortably at her feet. "You know what, just forget it, Christen." She pushed past me and walked quickly down the hall, disappearing into a room.

I stood in front of the door, not knowing if I should go in or not. Deciding against it, I pulled out my phone.

Me: Hey guys, wanna do a movie night?

Julie: Yeah, we're starting rn, come down to room 451 :)

Me: kk

I put my phone in my pocket and walked down until I found 451. The door opened before I even touched it and I was pulled into the room by Kelley.

"Just in time, girlie. We're watching The Heat. You know, with Melissa McCarthy and..." Kelley droned on and I stopped her.

"I know the movie."

"Good." Kelley smiled and sat on one of the beds with Julie and Mal.

I walked over to the other bed and laid down with Allie while Pinoe and Syd sat on the ground.

A couple of minutes into the movie, I heard the door open but didn't bother to see who it was.

"Can I sit here? There's kinda like, no more seats." I looked up and met Alex's blue eyes and noticed the smile growing on her face.

"Hmmmm, only if you have to." I retorted sarcastically and moved over a bit so Alex could lay down as well.

Before I knew it the movie ended.

"My pick now!" Pinoe jumped up and grabbed the remote from Julie.

"Nothing scary." Syd tried to say as Pinoe pulled up The Conjuring.

"Oh fuck no." Alex complained.

"I think you mean oh fuck yes." Pinoe said and started the movie.

The only ones happy with the movie was Pinoe and Allie, who both laughed everytime we all jumped.

"You guys already saw this movie, so not fair." Mal said as she moved a pillow from infront of her eyes.

"It's a comedy."

"Maybe for you."

As we continued watching, I'm not gonna lie.... I jumped like every time.

"Scared?" Alex whispered to me after I jumped for the 100th time.

"Aren't you?" I smiled at her and she smiled back towards the movie. She's cute.

"Maybe, but I don't jump."

"Hey," I said and hit her shoulder gently, "it's okay to jump, it's scary."


Another scary part, but it was suspenseful. As I waited for the scare, I instinctively ducked my head down. Onto Alex's shoulder.

I heard her chuckle and move her arm so it was wrapped around my shoulders. She was so warm and comfortable, I almost forgot I was watching a movie as I hid my eyes on her shoulder.

"The scary part's over." Alex said I lifted my head up right as someone got locked in the basement, screaming as shit started flying around the room.

I jumped and hid my head again. "You suck, Morgan."

I felt her shrug. Lifting my head again, I relaxed and laid back, her arm still wrapped around my shoulders.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex and Allie exchange a look and Alex swallowed nervously, carefully removing her arm. I wished she hadn't moved.

End of Chapter 2:

Lol this chapter kinda sucked but I'll make the next better. #chrislex rise amirite.

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