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Christen's POV:

"Alright, ladies, get settled. We're going to go over the lineup here since we're running late." Jill spoke up so we all stopped our conversations as we sat down on the bus to our final game against Sweden.

I sighed and pulled out my headphones as I half-listened to what she was saying. I've been doing so bad in practice, she probably won't play me at all anyway. Deciding I was right, I put on my headphones and looked out the window rather than listen.

The rest of the bus ride was fairly quiet, besides the always loud Pinoe and Syd. When we got to the stadium, fans were already gathered at the entrance.

"So, Press, what do you think?" Kelley prodded as we walked towards the locker rooms.

"Think of what?"

"The lineup, dummy."

"Oh, yeah, looks good." I lied and kept walking, but Kelley just smiled at me.

"Really? Because it didn't seem like you caught any of it with your headphones on." Kelley retorted and I laughed slightly.

"You're quite observant for the average squirrel, congrats."

"I try." Kelley replied while high-fiving a fan. "But seriously, you should know that Jill is playing a 4-4-2."


"With you and Alex up top. Make me proud, Press." Kelley said and turned abruptly once we got into the locker room.

Alex and I are playing together?

"Hey, Chris." A familiar raspy voice called from behind me and I smiled internally.

"Hi, Alex. What do you think about starting together?" I asked as she sat down next to me at her locker.

"Depends on what you think." Alex said, leaning down to her bag, "but I think we can make it work, huh?"

"We'll see."

It didn't start out too well. The game began poorly, with Sweden getting a good shot on goal early on and almost scoring. They were controlling the pace of the game, which of course Jill was not thrilled about. And Alex and I weren't communicating well up top either, so that was great. Julie got hit in the head and had to be taken out of the game. I missed a good chance in front of the net. And that wrapped up the half.

"That sucked." Alex huffed as everyone waded into the locker room, disheartened.

"Big time." Allie replied in unison with Lindsey.

I tried to make eye contact with the brunette striker, but she was laser-focused on her laces. "We really need to secure those passes, Alex."

"I know."

"And we really need to see each other more."

"I'm aware."

"And a better attitude couldn't hurt."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Alex mumbled finally, turning her head to force a grin. "We'll be fine, Christen, it'll work out."

"Will it, Alex? Do you want it to? Because I don't feel like you do." I responded, leaning back as I spoke. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Mal and Kelley watching.

Alex didn't respond and I sighed, turning my attention to my socks.

As everyone was leaving the locker room, I stopped Alex by grabbing her arm. She shuddered for a moment as I touched her. Did she just flinch? She knows I wouldn't hurt her...

"We can't be late, Christen." Alex said quietly as the last person left the locker room.

"I need to make something clear to you, Alex."

Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion and her head cocked slightly. "What are you ta...." She didn't have time to finish her sentence as I pressed our lips together gently, placing my hands around the back of her neck. At first, she didn't kiss back, but after a moment I felt her lean against me, pulling our bodies closer. I moved her backwards against the lockers, earning a soft moan from her lips as I pressed her against the wall.

I was about to pull away to tell her we should go to the pitch when I heard a slight gasp from behind us. Fuck me.

We literally bounced off of each other. Alex looked like she was on the verge of tears as I turned around to see Mal standing at the door with her jaw hanging down.

"Maybe this was a bad time..." Mal started, swallowing nervously while slowly backing out of the room, "but the second half is starting, so.... yeah." And with that she was gone.

I turned my attention back to Alex, who still looked petrified. "Alex, it's fine. Mal won't tell anyone. You don't need to..." I tried to reason with her but she literally ran out of the room. Okay seriously, fuck my life.

The second half whistle blew and the score started at 0-0. We were playing better and ten minutes in, the score was 2-0 US; Carli and Pinoe both scored.

I know that in a 4-4-2, the two strikers are supposed to be covering opposite sides of the field, but seriously, Alex was staying so far to the left sideline that I thought she forgot what her position is. It can't be about what just happened, right? I tried to motion her to make a run towards the center, but she wouldn't even look in my direction. What a great way to show Jill we can play together.

Then, Alex got the ball near the edge of the box and was allowed to turn around, getting around her defender. For once, she looked up and saw me at the far post, cutting inside. She drilled the ball across the box with so much force that all I had to do was redirect the ball into the net. The roar from the crowd was deafening; Alex was shouting something, but I didn't understand what she was saying. All I could tell was that she was smiling as she ran towards me, arms lifted in celebration. I didn't even notice any of our other teammates that ran towards us; I reached Alex and jumped on her, feeling her arms tighten around my lower back as she held me up.

Final score, 3-0 US. As the final whistle blew, I smiled and hugged people and shook some hands of the Swedish players. When I came near Alex, she smiled, but I could tell she was trying to keep her distance from me.

"Great cross, Morgan."

"Great shot, Press." Alex replied curtly, accepting a small hug from me. "But don't get me wrong, Christen, I'm not gay," she whispered to me as her head was right above my ear before she pulled away.

I watched her walk away in disbelief. Looking up at the scoreboard, I saw the time was 7:25 pm. Alex Morgan, not gay? Okay, well she has about 14 hours before our flights back home to prove that to me... and she really has to sell it.

End of Chapter 7:

hmmmm, so how is Christen going to convince Alex that she is really down for Chrislex?

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