The solutions -2-

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Dean leads Impala to the first room, the kitchen, which connects to the main hall and has a door that leads to the library. "This is huge, I suspected it would be, because the garage was a double, but.." She looks up at the ceiling in amazement. "Yeah we did get lucky." Dean smiles in recognition that Impala has never eaten anything, or ever walked. He wondered how she was walking and talking, without any practice. "You seem pretty good with this whole human thing." Dean wonders, out loud. "Yeah, it just all came to me, like i'd done it before." Then Impala's stomach started to growl. She looked shocked, staring down as her stomach calls out for food. "You must be hungry, for your first EVER meal we must prepare something spectacular." Dean says in a british accent, adding a flick of the wrist to the "spectacular". Impala giggles, walking over to the bar area and taking a seat. Dean walks to the fridge, pulling open the cold door, and sliding out an apple pie and two beers. "Sounds perfect!" Impala returns the british accent. Dean pulls up a chair, passing impala a slice of his favourite apple pie. She grins, picking up a knife and slicing into the pie. Dean says "Heads up!" and slides the beer across the bar. Impala catches it swiftly in one hand. "Nice catch." Dean looks impressed as he takes a big swig of the beer. "Thanks." Impala drinks some as well, loving the sweet, but tangy taste against her tongue. Dean must have noticed her expression and he laughs out loud. " You're officially a human when you've tasted beer." He says, and Impala chuckles. "Well then, I wish I was a human forever." She continues drinking the beer. Sam bursts into the kitchen. "What's up, Sammy?" Impala says, just as Dean was about to reply. Sam looks shocked, like he forgot Impala was there but then he realizes the situation and laughs. "I found something in the lore, apparently there are 13 steps to become the most powerful witch in the coven and turning an inanimate object (in this case, Impala) into a human, where then the witch can sacrifice the newly turned human. I think Rowena's trying to win over Lucifer by becoming the most powerful witch." Sam says, taking a long breath after. "So, does that mean I have to be sacrificed for a witch? " Impala shudders. "I guess so." Sam replies, sympathetically. "I'm not letting that happen." Dean steps up. Impala knew a few things about hunting but, the whole idea of a witch hunt was a bit new and strange to Impala. "Well what can you do to stop her before she ... you know.." Impala's voice started to trail off as she thought about how a witch had just been using her.

"Well we could try.." Sam paused for a moment to think of something that could stop a witch. Dean decided to butt in "Witch killing bullets!" Dean added in a very energetic tone of voice. "Or we could also bring her to Bobby's place and keep her in the panic room, because Rowena will think to come here first." Sam said as he kept his focus on Dean but occasionally glanced over at Impala still in disbelief that their car was now a woman. Dean on the other hand it was quite the opposite he couldn't take his eyes off of Impala. "Well.." Impala let out as she joined the conversation. "When are we leaving to go to Bobby's house because I totally agree with Sam , it's truly a magnificent idea." Impala tried to lighten the mood a bit by doing her best british accent , she was really pushing it when she said magnificent. "Well since you are no longer a car we have to decide which vehicle we are going to take that we can all fit into." Dean said as he couldn't wipe the smirk off of his face. Impala started to think of the cars that she used to share the garage with and the first car that popped into her mind that was somewhat similar to her was a 1966 Chevelle. It may have been a bit smaller but, it would work. "I know one car that would work, the Chevelle," Impala replied as she looked at Sam. "Sorry Sam you might not have any leg room.." Impala mumbled as she played with the ends of her leather jacket. "That's okay..." Sam grumbled as he started to walk to the garage. Dean was glad that they were leaving now because knowing Rowena she is going to strike soon.

*FINISHED* Human!Impala x Dean Winchester- Brought back to lifeWhere stories live. Discover now