The Key

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An hour after the hunt was complete Impala had been fast asleep in the chevelle , Sam and Dean got back into the car covered in dirt and blood. Dean looked back and smiled slightly at how peaceful and perfect Impala looked. She slowly started to shift around as Sam had gotten into the Chevelle. One thing that Sam had realized Impala had been sleeping a lot more than usual but he didn't want to concern or cause issue with Impala either.

They drove towards the bunker, ready to get back and have a shower, when Impala started talking. She was still asleep, but nevertheless, she was muttering.
"Dean.. I don't want you to find out.. I don't want you ever to find out."

"Find out what, Baby?" Dean replied, shocked.

I'm the key. If you sacrifice me, Rowena will be stopped."

Dean dropped his hands from the wheel, letting the Chevelle slide along swiftly across the roads. "What?" He muttered, instantly regretting it, as she started to cry.

"I don't want to be here anymore. I've ruined your lives, I've made you have to go through this. I'm a worthless distraction." Impala kept crying, tears soaking her eyelashes, making her mascara run.

"Baby.." Dean whispered, sympathetically, when suddenly a huge semi truck swerved out of control from in front of them. Dean grabbed the wheel and spun the car around as fast as he could. Then he realized. "Bombs. That truck is full of bombs! One hit will cause it to ex-" A car drove along, right into the semi's side.

"Son of a-" The whole truck exploded into fire, pieces of glass and metal hitting the Chevelles windshield.

Sam and Dean ducked, but Impala was still asleep, crying. "She's still caught in that spell of depression! We need to get her down!" Dean yelled, trying to pull Impala down to the floor by her combat boots.

Her eyes fluttered open, confused. Then she saw the exploding truck.

"DRIVE!" She screeched, grabbing the wheel. "There's no use just sitting here, we'll die anyways." Dean pushed himself over to the passengers side and Sam climbed over to the back seat.

Impala had the wheel, and was soaring full-speed down the opposite way. She parked a couple blocks down, shook her head, and prepared to drive again, but not until she realized she had tears still streaming down her face. "What was this from?" She asked out loud, wiping away some of the salt water, leaving traces of mascara on the palm of her hand.

"Impala.. Thank you. You saved us." Sam said, in shock.
"Not so much of a distraction now, am I?" She grinned, but her face still seemed cold and hollow.

Dean nodded and smirked at Sam, but Impala was staring at the road. All the cars rushing out, towards them, the exploded semi trucks ashes covering the Chevelles already-dirty windshield.

They arrived back at the bunker, and Dean pulled Impala aside, letting Sam have the first shower. "Thank you.. For that. I didn't know what came over me. I thought we were doomed anyway." He gave a hard laugh, but he wasn't smiling. "I owe you an apology, Baby." He said, looking into her eyes. "You're so much more than Sam saw, I know that. You need to use these mad skills more often." This time he smiled, so did Impala, tears soaking her cheeks. "Anyways, what i'm trying to say is that.. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve this.. This, ignoring, excluding, torture, that I wish had never happened." Dean's tear ducts became wet.

Impala nodded, sighed, and then, without regret, kissed him right on the lips. Dean was shocked at first but then let himself relax into the kiss. When she finally pulled away. Dean grinned. "You're like family to us, Baby. We need you."

Impala suddenly felt a change in her heart. Her old, hollow, depressed heart.

She felt like she belonged, like she had a purpose, and she smiled wide.

"I love you, Dean." She chuckled, and ran into her bedroom, ready to change, and have a cold shower.

Meanwhile, Rowena was planning something big. Something that may potentially ruin the Winchesters lives, once again.

*FINISHED* Human!Impala x Dean Winchester- Brought back to lifeWhere stories live. Discover now