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The next morning Impala wasn't there next to Dean when he woke up , he felt arounder for her but all he felt was the mattress beneath him. Impala had been out cold on a couch in the living area of the bunker. She had been leaning against Sam, her head on his shoulder as he was researching on his laptop and also ordering furniture and decorations for Impala's room. Impala truly was just like a toddler and it was up to Sam and Dean to 'raise' her correctly. Impala stayed asleep next to Sam for a few more hours. Eventually Dean rolled out of bed in his flannel pants and no shirt. He stumbled out to the kitchen to make himself some waffles as he walked past Sam , Sam had a finger up to his lips to tell Dean to be quiet because at the moment Impala was still asleep. She really needed as much sleep as she could possibly get so she could feel better sooner. Dean understood completely and went on his way and made himself a stack of waffles. Impala stirred from where she was sleeping. "She probably smells the waffles" Dean whispers to Sam and chuckles. He laughs too but then shushes Dean. "She's had a long night, This is one of her first nights ever sleeping as a human, remember?" Dean looks over at sam and says "Oh, yeah. Sometimes I forget she wasn't always here." he shrugs and sips a coffee. Sam looked over at Impala as her eyes slowly started opening and moved over and cuddled up to Sam as she shivered a bit. Dean watched Impala cuddle up with his brother as he continued to eat his waffles slowly not too sure how he felt about Sam being that close to his woman. Knowing this Sam put his arm around Impala's shoulders and pulled her in closer just to enrage Dean. Impala just cuddled up to Sam because he was so warm and mentally she was like an infant and didn't know better at the time that cuddling with Sam was going to upset Dean.

"Okay, back it up, guys." Dean says, shaking his head. "Sorry, Dean! I didn't mean too, I was just so cold and.." Impala started rambling, it helped her feel a bit warmer. Dean sighs and walks over to the couch. He holds out his hand and helps Impala up off the couch. "Here, why don't you get dressed into something a little bit warmer." Dean says, kissing Impala on the cheek. "Thanks, Dean." She says, her teeth chattering, but she holds it in.

Impala walks out of a bedroom next to Dean's, and is wearing some of Dean's clothes. Sam laughs from his position, still on the couch. Dean just flashed a death stare at Sam, which resulted in Sam laughing more but Sam had to agree with Dean a bit she was pretty. Impala stumbled around in Dean's clothes that were a bit too large for her but they were very warm. Impala walked over to Dean and gently hugged him, her body was burning up even though she felt ice cold. Dean had rested his head upon Impala's and pulled her in close, as he gave Sam a death stare once again.

A week went by and Impala got better and Dean and Impala grew closer, Sam had found a case for just Sam and Dean. Not Sam , Dean and Impala. Sam decided to break the news to Dean while Impala was still asleep. Sam left his bedroom and walked to Dean's bedroom. While he walked over to Dean's room he knew his brother was going to have a hissy fit, he always did. Sam reached Dean's room and let out a sigh before he gently knocked on the door. Luckily for Sam Dean was up and Impala wasn't. Dean groaned as he got out of bed, he glanced back at Impala fast asleep wearing his flannel shirt a small smirk came to his face. Sam started to tap his foot against the floor waiting for Dean to open the door and put him into a crabby mood. Dean tiredly shuffled his feet across the floor and finally reached the door and opened it slowly. "What is it Sammy?" he asked softly as he stepped out of his room and closed the door behind him. "I found a case." Sam said plainly as he looked down at Dean. "That's great Sammy now we finally have the chance to bring Impala." Dean said enthusiastically as he rubbed the back of his neck and flashed a cheesy grin. "About that Dean..." Sam's voice trailed off as he had been stalling to tell Dean that Impala can't join them. "Impala.. She's a distraction to you dude, when she is around you turn to mush and I need you focused b-." Dean decided to cut off Sam "Because you're afraid I'll get hurt Sammy, I know. We can bring Impala along and I swear on Impala's life that I will stay focused." Dean added into a serious tone as he put his hand back on the door knob. "If you say so Dean.." Sam said as he shook his head and headed to the garage to prepare the chevelle for the case and the hunt. Dean opened the door to see Impala starting to wake up. Impala stretched out her arms then gently her eyes. She then got up and walked over to Dean and softly kissed his cheek, but this time it was different. He didn't kiss her back. He just let a small smile come to his face. She took a step back away from Dean and furrowed her eyebrows, "Is everything okay Dean?" she asked nervously and all he replied with was a head nod and he then left the room to go help Sam. Impala became very confused so she went to change back into the clothes she had when she became a human, yes, they were very tattered but they were comfortable. Once she was finally dressed she joined the boys , well after she enjoyed a hot stack of waffles. The boys were wearing their dress suits , "guess I'm out of place.." Impala mumbled to herself as she got into the back of the Chevelle as the brothers got in the front, neither of them saying a word about what was going on. "Hey, guys. Whats going on?" Impala asks, finally speaking up the courage to ask the question she's been wondering for a while. "We're going on a hunt.." Dean mumbles from the driver's seat. Impala gets a confused glance and continues asking. "Should I be.. Wearing something more formal, or am I just a distraction." Impala says, realizing that maybe Dean was just trying to focus on the road. "Sorry, Dean." She mumbles, Dean's eyes still glued on the road. "No. What you're wearing is fine. I just need you to stay out of the way while we're hunting.. You can't get hurt." Dean says, still eyes glaring at the incoming traffic. "Okay.." Impala mutters, she fixes up her long hair into a ponytail, and applies some lipstick. Much better, she thought. She just got revived anyways... Her train of thought was everywhere.

*FINISHED* Human!Impala x Dean Winchester- Brought back to lifeWhere stories live. Discover now