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"Why would you choose to be gay?"
"Why would you choose be transgender?"


wHy tHe fUcK wOuLd sOmEbOdY cHoOsE tO bE gAy oR tRaNsGeNdEr.

Tell me, why would somebody wake up in the morning on a random day and decide that they want to be bullied and shamed for who they are by ignorant people around the world? WHO CHOOSES THAT?

You do not wake up and just CHOOSE to be a certain sexuality. You can't just say "I like only boys, but tonight, I'm going to FORCE myself to dig chicks!"
... And suddenly dig chicks.
It doesn't work like that.
You either like a certain gender or you don't.

It comes naturally...

And we all know you just heard Selena Gomez singing that song in the back of your head!

Anyways, some people know they are gay right away as a child. For others, it might just take a long time for them to realize how they truly feel. Can you blame them? Heterosexuality is EVERYWHERE! Growing up, it's not a surprise that kids feel like they need to fit into society and the mold of things. Maybe they didn't even know you COULD feel a certain way for a different gender or that it was okay to. Maybe the person was just in the closet for a long time and finally decided to come out.

People don't choose to be gay, just like you never chose to be straight. Or just like you never chose to be your gender. You naturally feel like a girl or a boy. Some people are born in the wrong bodies, and they didn't CHOOSE that. They just were.

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