
24 2 10

so i really like how the main director guy talks about music. like, i kind of love it.

also, i had cereal and french fries for dinner last night, and it was freaking good? i put a shit ton of salt on the fries and am probably gonna have heartburn tomorrow - well, today - but eh.

so our dorms.

they're not really dorms. they're actually the senior living spaces.

they're fuckn apartments.

there's a kitchen in ours, and two floors. they're like, town homes. town homes with purple doors and red pillars and bright orange interior walls. they hurt to look at but once you get used to them they're pretty cool.

hannah is in the apartment next to ours, we're both in the same building, and she's rooming with another hannah from our school. they have two rooms in theirs and the other has two people who they have yet to not complain about. lovely.

sarah and i have the counsellor for the 'knights 101' area which we are in in the downstairs room in ours, and just across the hall, there are two more girls from our district. which is nice.

also, the food is great? have i mentioned that? the area for breakfast is huge? there are a shit ton of cereals? there's a bunch of bagels? there's a cappuccino machine? there's a white / chocolate milk machine? there's a hot chocolate machine? it's really fancy? i am super passionate about breakfast so i enjoy this a lot?

sorry for the last two chapters being pretty disjointed. i'm tired and have gotten between three and six hours of sleep the last two nights, and am well on my way to another sleepless night. thank god i brought my melatonin.

so. on that note. goodnight.

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