Part Two(Peter's POV)

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          "Ned. NED! She texted me!" I yelled from the top bunk of my bed. My heart was racing as I kept re-reading the words over and over again: 'Hey Peter, its Kenzie. Is today after school a good day to go and get the backpack?'. My eyes darted back and forth between the words a thousand times, never being able to read them enough. It was such a simple text, but the joy that it brought me was absolutely indescribable. I had liked her for ages, since second grade, when she stood up to a bully for calling me a nerd and all kinds of other mean names. She was the reason I felt okay coming to school all through elementary.

          I heard Ned sit up quickly on the bottom bunk, and then felt a thump on the bottom of my own bunk. "Stupid short bunks," I heard Ned mumble.

          I should've asked him if he was okay, but I was too excited about McKenzie's text. Wait, in the text she called herself Kenzie. Does that mean I can call her Kenzie? Or is that weird? I'll figure it out when I see her later today. I'm seeing her later today. The floating feeling I felt in my stomach as I thought those words could have lifted me to the moon.

          As soon as I could regain my sanity, i typed back, 'Yeah, that works great! I'll meet you at the bus stop.' In reality though, I wanted to thank her for letting me come near her at all, and for at least pretending to be okay with me.

          Ned struggled getting out of his bunk, but once he stood up, his face lit up and he started jumping up and down, literally shaking the room with his excitement for me.

          "What does it say, what does it say? Peter, tell me what it says!" Ned spoke quickly and without breath, outwardly as excited as I felt on the inside.

          "Ned, Ned, I'll tell you just shh! I don't want Aunt May to worry." Even as I said it though, I wanted to start screaming as loudly as I was screaming on the inside.

          "Okay, okay. So what did she say?" Ned pressed on. He made an exasperated gesture with his hands, and then looked at me again. "Go on!"

          "It says 'Hey Peter, it's Kenzie. Is today after school a good day to go and get the backpack?' " I didn't realize I had committed those words to memory, but they came out of my mouth fast and without hesitation.

          "Wow. That is amazing! I feel proud to have been a part of your journey of love—"

           I cut Ned off right there. "Ned, come on man! I'm taking her to go and get a backpack. We'll see if she will even talk to me after today. She doesn't even like me, much less love me."

          Ned rolled his eyes. "Come on dude. You've liked her since what, the second grade? You're a senior now, you're a lot different now then you used to be. She'd be insane not to like you."

          I put one hand on the top rail of my bunk and flipped myself over, flopping onto my bunk with the sound of popping springs from my mattress.

          "I wish I got bitten by a radioactive spider, so I could do that," Ned said in admiration.

          I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well, if you're okay almost dying all the time, I'll try to find you one."

          "Not sure I'm into that part of the job. Guy in the chair, remember?" Ned replied with wide eyes and a cheesy grin. I found myself grinning in return.

          It was 7:55, and school started at 8:00. I felt my heart skip a beat. "Shoot. Ned, we missed the bus again. I'll go get Aunt May to take us. Again."

          "I'll do it! Also, the faster we get there, the faster you can see Kenzie, so I'll tell her to step on it!" Ned said, making my insides scramble themselves up for the millionth time that morning.

          After I got to school, it went by painfully slowly. All of my classes were too easy, and I couldn't help but look at the clock every few minutes, hoping to see it magically jump to 2:45 so I could go and wait at the bus stop for Kenzie.

          After what seemed like the longest day on the history of the planet, the release bell rang. I practically vaporized out of my seat and sprinted down the halls to be the first one at the bus stop. I didn't want her to have to wait for me at all. I was there well before everyone else, so I sat down and started to read my book.

          As I was reading, I couldn't help but glance up every couple of seconds to see if she was there yet, and then I had to try to convince myself I wasn't disappointed when she wasn't. I was there five minutes before any of the buses arrived, so I shouldn't have been surprised.

          After a few more long minutes of waiting and continually growing more and more nauseous, I saw her squeeze through the crowds continuing to arrive at the bus stop, apologizing as she went. Man, did she look beautiful. Her outfit was simple and in style, but in a way that was entirely her own. She didn't wear what all the other girls wore, her style was unique and different in a way that I had always found to be more beautiful than any fashion trend all the other girls got caught up in. Her brown hair swished behind her, accentuating the details of her beautifully framed face. She looked around the bus stop for me, and when her eyes fell on me and she smiled, all of my insides turned to lead.

          "Sorry I kept you waiting, Lucy wanted to talk to me about something." Kenzie said, walking up to me. "You ready to go?"

          Fumbling over my tongue, I managed to say, "Y-yeah. I'm ready! Let's go buy a backpack!"

          Laughing a little bit, she looked at me, and briefly I looked into her beautiful brown eyes. She blushed a deep shade of red, but before I could figure out why, it was gone. Kenzie then looked down at the ground, and back up at me. "Let's go buy a backpack." She smiled.

          I stood up, nearly falling over myself. I think that Kenzie noticed, but she made no outward recognition towards it.

          Once I got myself together fully, and slowed down my racing heart just a little bit, I smiled at her and we walked onto the bus.

A/N: 7-11-18
Word count: 1129

hA these beginning chapters are so short I'm laughing at myself lol

I like this character wise for Peter because he's such a smol bean and I feel like he would 1000% be the kind of guy that's soooo eager to see you and then you get there and he's like "I have no idea what I'm doing" hahaha what a cinnamon roll amirite?


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