20- Argument #2

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"So, what is everyone wearing?" Violet asked as the girls sat down for lunch.

"Um..." Alice looked down at herself. "A vest top and shorts-"

"For the party," Violet laughed. "Jasper told me that Austin is going all out, you've got to dress up."

"Well there goes my plan of wearing a onesie," Alice grumbled and Brooklyn laughed at her.

"I love fancy," Brooklyn grinned. "I'm sure I can rummage something up."

"Let me guess, you're one of those girls that can rock sweatpants and look gorgeous, but also look gorgeous and amazing when you doll yourself up?" Sasha said

Brooklyn frowned. "I... No," she said and shook her head.

"Well, you're rocking those sweatpants rather well," Violet pointed out and it took Brooklyn a few moments for her to remember she was wearing grey sweatpants.

"I was out of it this morning, I must've down thrown on whatever I could find," she sighed.

"Stressing over Harry?" Sasha smirked.

"Over what I told him," Brooklyn said under her breath. "Besides, I'm sure yous all look utterly amazing when you get dolled up too. Not that you don't now," she added quickly.

"Duh," Sasha said and laughed. "Just some people own it more than others. You're beautiful without even trying."

"So are you!" Brooklyn protested.

"Do you think these eyebrows and highlight happen naturally?" Sasha wondered and pointed to her face.

"No, but those eyebrows are fleeky as hell," Alice nodded.

"I do try," Sasha grinned and due to her short hair she flicked her imaginary long her over her shoulder.

Brooklyn chuckled and rolled her eyes. "So, back to clothes, what is everyone thinking of wearing?"

"I've got this gorgeous blue dress that I've been dying to wear," Sasha said.

"Trying to impress someone still?" Violet smirked and Sasha narrowed her eyes, cautiously looking over her shoulder.

"Shut up," she grumbled.

"What's this?" Brooklyn asked.

"You didn't know?" Alice asked. "Jheeze, maybe she doesn't make it as obvious as we think."

Brooklyn's eyebrows raised and she turned to Sasha with a smile. "Who is it? Who do you want to confess your love to?"

"Whoa, calm down," Sasha said.

"Who is it!" Brooklyn demanding, grinning at Sasha who blushed.

"It's Austin," Violet said and Brooklyn's mouth dropped.

"Austin Austin? The Austin who came to the diner with us? The Austin who is having the party?"

"I don't think there's any other Austin's who fit into those categories," Alice pointed out.

"How comes I didn't know this?" Brooklyn gasped.

"She hasn't exactly hidden it. She turns into a blubbering mess around him," Violet said with a laugh and ignored Sasha's glare.

"I do not!" Sasha protested and her eyes went wide when Josh, Jasper, Tyler and Austin joined their table with trays of food.

"Hey guys," Brooklyn smiled and smirked in Sasha's direction. She had gone a dark shade of red.

"You alright, Sash? You look flushed," Austin said as he slipped into the seat opposite her.

"Um... F-fine," Sasha coughed and busied herself with eating her sandwich. The girls all shared a look and giggled amongst themselves.

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