ドラゴンキング (Dragon King)

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Okay so this is my very first story so please bare with me okay. If I mess or anything I apologize in advance.

If you don't like my stories then don't read them♥

I hope you enjoy this trilogy. Please carry on.



(One early morning in Magnolia)

Lucy was waking up to the sun in her face, When she then noticed a warm body next to her. It was Natsu, He was asleep in her soft cloud-like bed once again. She didn't mind him sleeping with her until he started to randomly snore.

"Natsu" Lucy whined as his snoring started to get louder and louder.

She sighed as he didn't wake up from his slumber. So she just tried to ignore his loud snoring. Lucy couldn't go back to sleep so she decided to get up ever so gently, Knowing that Natsu had sensitive ears. But it didn't work he woke up, with one onyx eye opening ever so slightly.

"Luce, Where are you going come back to bed." He whined.

"I was just going to make breakfast , Natsu go back to sleep okay." She answered sweetly.

"Luce?" Natsu said quietly

"Yes Natsu, What is it?"


"What is it Natsu, You know you can talk to me right?"

"Make sure you make me some crispy bacon okay." He lied, that's not what he wanted to say at all.

" Um Sure thing." Lucy answered back.

Lucy headed toward the kitchen wondering why Natsu was acting so weird. She stopped walking right in front of the refrigerator. When she heard a very scary scream coming from her bedroom. She turned her head toward the direction of the scream. What was she doing she should go check it out, right now. She started to speed walk towards her room until she heard a glass break and struggling. She started running, when she opened the door of her bedroom she saw something she didn't want to see. She saw her bed that was once made with a young man's body in it sleeping. But now it was ruined, pillows on the floor, the blanket dragged onto the floor. Worst of all Natsu was no where in sight. she walked around the room to find the broken glass by the bathroom door. Lucy knocked on the bathroom door and called the Dragon Slayer.

"Natsu?" she called with a worried tone.

"Are you in there?"

No answer. Lucy opened the door gently hoping she would see the man of her dreams in there. But she didn't. She was thinking the worst right now, so without a thought Lucy ran out of her apartment with her pajamas only barefoot. She was running to a logical place she thought Natsu would go to, The guild of course.

(At the Guild)

The doors slammed open everyone looking at the doors to see who the next guild member was to walk in that day. It was a worried Lucy in her pajamas, Everyone was looking at her with confused expressions.

"Lucy why are you in your pajamas?" Mira asked her all bubbly.

"Where is Natsu!? Did he come here today at all?" She asked with crack in her voice on the verge of crying.

"No, What happened Lucy?" Erza asked while she swallowed her cake.

The whole guild now paying attention to the worried female.

"I-I woke up this morning and Natsu was in my house sleeping right next to me and then i got up to go make him and myself some breakfast. then he stopped me and told me to come back to bed, Then he he called my name before i left the room and then i was waiting for him to tell me what he had to say but he paused for a while and then he just made something up instead of telling me what he had to say. So I left, I was about to open my refrigerator when I heard yelling and i'm pretty sure it was Natsu. I got scared when i heard some glass break so i started to run towards my room but when I got in there I didn't fin-"

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