ドラゴン世界 (The Dragon World)

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(At th Guild)

When team Natsu came back from their last job together. Natsu and Lucy told the guild that they would be leaving that day.They also said they didn't know if they could come back ever.

"Gramps can we please keep our guild marks? Even though we are not going to be at Fairy Tail with you all we still want to be apart of it." Stated Natsu.

"So Lu-chan your really leaving huh?" Levy asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to miss you Levy and you too Gajeel" Lucy said to the hopefully soon to be couple.

"Oi Bunny-girl your not gonna do one more show with me before you leave."Gajeel said while pinching her cheek.

"No I think i'll pass sorry." She answered with a hug.

"I can be your new bunny-girl you know." Levy pouted.

"No because you are already my shirmp and that is better than a bunny." Gajeel said as he patted her head.

"Natsu." Gray called.

"Oh my God did Gray just call Natsu by his name?"Asked Lucy.

"Yeah." Natsu answered him.

"So, make sure you sure you come back to visit alright man."Said Gray as his fist hit Natsu's

"Yeah, I sure will I promise." He answered.

Lucy and Natsu were ready to leave when all of a sudden Erza came to them and reequipped into her farewell fairy tail armor. Then she started to recite the three fairy tail laws.

"One: You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live. Two: You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain. Three: Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant , and you must never forget about your friends who loved you." She stated as she started to cry.

Natsu and Lucy started to cry as they started to walk away. Everyone crying and cheering for them at the same time. All of a sudden they cheering stopped, all they heard was silence behind them. When they turned around to cheek why there was random silence they saw the whole guild throwing up the guild sign. This made Natsu and Lucy cry even more but they returned the signed and walked off into the distance.

"Natsu how are we going to get into the dragon world." Lucy asked.

"Take my hand."He said.

Lucy did what she was told. Natsu closed his eyes and told her to do the same and repeat after him.

"With this power I the dragon slayer of fire command the gate to open."Natsu and Lucy said together.

There was a big cloud that appeared and sucked them in. They were going light speed through a worm whole and all of a sudden they were in the dragon world.

(The Dragon World)

"Were here." Said Natsu

"Its gorgeous." Said Lucy in aw

(A/N the dragon world looks like the east forest like in fairy tail)

"Luce let's got look for the castle." Natsu said with a smile

"Why don't we aske around so we can get there faster." Lucy suggested.

"Yeah that's a great idea."

Natsu and Lucy walk through the land when they saw a few dragons walking. Natsu grabbed Lucy's hand and ran towards the dragons.

"Hello dragons we are looking for the cas-" Natsu was interrupted by one dragon.

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