愛のための戦い (Battle for Love)

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When Lucy collapsed everyone began to panic. Except for Erza who told everyone to shut up and take Lucy to the imfirmary. When she was in there they then took Lisanna there too. After the two females were safe everyone stared at Natsu.


"What happened." Erza said.

"Lisanna happened." He said with a mean tone.

"What do you mean Lisanna happened Natsu?" Mira said with a serious tone.

"She took me outside and started talking about Lucy. She was saying that she was a slut and she said every time....... Never mind."

"No tell us what she said Natsu." Erza said.

"No. The memory just makes me angry I couldn't control myself." 

"Just tell us Natsu, If you have to punch something just go to Gray." Levy said.

"E-excuse me." Gray said.

"I was walking away because she was making me angry but the she said..... she said...... everytime I fuck Lucy i am thinking of her. I don't know what happened I just snapped. If Lucy did come I don't know what would have happened to her." Natsu said as he clenched his fists.

"Natsu." Mira and Erza said in unison.

"I started to walk towards her and I was on fire. My mind was blank all I could think of was making her pay for talking about my Luce like that. She got scared and she started to back up and that's when I started to pick up speed. She did also, I was so close to hurting her when all of a sudden Lucy grabbed me from behind and told me that it was okay. Her sweet voice calmed me down, it always does no matter what."

"How sweet." Juvia said with hearts in her eyes.

"After that Lisanna called Luce a dumb ass and said this was part of her plan. She then turned into her tigeress form and charged at us. Lucy pushed me out of the way and she got clawed in the face by Lisanna. She fell down on one knee and her face was bleeding. Lisanna said she was pathetic and weak and then Lucy got up. Then she told her to try that again. So she called Luce a whore and charged at her again. But before she could hit her she did a fire dragon's roar."

"Oh yeah Lisanna didn't know Lucy was a dragon slayer now." Gray said.

"When Lisanna got up from the attack she said she learned something new and she transformed into a bear take over. She charged at Luce and the when Lucy attacked again Lisanna quick changed into a bird and dodged her attack easily. After that she turned back into a bear and clawed Luce from behind. She made a pretty deep cut in her back if you didn't see. After Luce was down for a good ten minutes Lisanna laughed and told he that she was trash. Sh said come back to my place Natsu so I can show you some real fun. I guess Luce heard and she snapped.  He activated dragon force and defeated Lisanna with ease. As what you saw when they came crashing in here and that's it."

"No, That can't be. Lisanna would never do something like that." Mira said.

"If it was somebody 'stealing' Natsu should would." Erza said.

Everyone agreed and Natsu just got up from his seat to go to the infirmary. For precations Gray went with him. When he got in there he look at Lucy and she was pale and you can the blood spread on she sheets from her cut. Natsu's eyes widened and He got up and started to walk over to Lisanna with his hand on fire. He was growling with anger and Gray noticed what he was doing so he grabbed him from the back of his shirt. But Natsu was too strong at the moment with all his anger.

"ERZA!" Gray yelled.

Erza came crashing through the door seconds after she was called. She had a sword in her hand and made her way towards the angry dragon slayer. She grabbed onto him but it wasn't enough to stop him. They two of them together just slowed him down a little bit.

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