永遠に失わ (Gone Forever)

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After Lisanna's death, her body was taken back to the guild and kept safe in a time bearer until the funeral. Everyone was no mad at Lucy one bit. They understood what the situation was, The only person that was mad was Lucy. She was mad at herself. She wouldn't even smile anymore, everyday she would come to the guild she wouldn't say hello to anyone she would just go sit in a corner and cry.

"Bro you need to go talk to her,she's a mess just look at her." Gray said to Natsu

"Yeah your right, I'll talk to her." Natsu said.

"Good." Gray said.

"Hey Luce can we talk please, outside." 

She didn't answer she just got up wiped her tears and walked outside. Whenthey got outside she didn't look at him she put her face down. 

"Luce look at me."

She didn't she just kept her head down.

"Look at me." Natsu said as he picked her head up gently by her chin.

"Please don't go on like this I can't take it. Plus everybody is worried, I'm worried Luce please just don't go on like this. Akarui always ask me what's wrong with mama. I can't tell her the truth so I just don't tell her anything and it breaks my heart."

"Natsu I don't want to live like this anymore. It's been three days since she died and I just can't take the heat for this anymore. I'm done Natsu i'm done." With that she started to walk away.

Natsu grabbed her wrist before she can leave.

"Luce what do you mean your done?"

"I'm just done Natsu."

"Luce your not taking the heat for this because you did-."


"Luce please don't do anything stupid because if you do I don't know what I will do. Just remember that Akarui and I love you. Please remember that okay." 

After that Natsu let go of her wrist and she walked back into the guild. But instead of sitting back in her corner she went to the bar where she used to sit. Mira gave her a smile as she sat down.She returned a fake smile. 

"What can I get you Lucy?" Mira asked.

"A death sentence." She said

"W-what?" Mira said.

"A death-."

"I heard what you said. You killed my little sister, I know that  she brought that on herself. I am not going to put the blame on you because you didn't even want to fight her in the first place. Now everyone in the guild isn't blaming you for anything. So why are you? You are the only one who is beating themselves up about her death. I'm not even doing that and I lost her twice now."

"Well you are not the one who killed her."

"Well I killed her the first time and I didn't beat myself up like how you did." Elfman said.

"Exactly." Everyone said.

"Lucy you have to get past this we can't see you go on like this. This is killing Natsu inside you know. He comes to my place crying because you are so depressed and he can't do anything about it. He came to me Lucy. You that means he is really hurting when he comes to me for help." Gray said.

"That is correct Juvia saw with her own eyes." Juvia said.

"Wait a sec why were you at Gray's house in the first place Juvia." Cana asked.

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