妊娠の喜び(The Joys of Pregnancy)

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Lucy was pregnant, Natsu was happy. The whole kingdom knew and everything was working out smoothly. In the beginning. She was now in her second month and she was miserable. She was always vomiting. Natsu's job was to be the hair holder. She had a little baby bump and she looked so cute.Lucy was starting to get mood swings and Natsu was becoming worried but Virgo had to keep reminding him that she was fine it was just the baby.

"Hey Natsu." Lucy called out to him

"Yes Luce." 

"You know you did this to me right. LOOK AT ME I'M FAT!" She yelled as she held on to his collar.

"Luce your not fat. I'm sorry."

"Natsu i'm sorry that i'm fat just find another skinny blonde with big breast that you can knock up."

"Luce why would I do that when I have you. I only want you because you are spacial."

"Yeah  I love you too Natsu."

"Okay." He said with a smile.

"You know i'm really tired so I think th-." She didn't finish her sentence she fell asleep in Natsu's arms.

She is cute pregnant always saying funny things that don't make any sense. It was silly, Natsu was happy with the way his life was going.He was thinking for a while and he thinks he is going to ask Lucy to marry him.But he didn't think it was the time for that. She was already stressed enough from the baby. So he would wait. 

'I love her though and I would love to get married before the baby is born but that isn't really up to me it is up to the baby. Lucy and the baby are my pride and joy and I wish I can see the look on the guild's face if they saw us now. I can't believe that it's been 3 months since we left.' Natsu said in his thoughts as he watched his pregnant girlfriend sleep.

 (Time Skip Two months Later)

Lucy is four months pregnant. Her stomach is getting bigger and she looks so cute. She decided to wake up early so she can shower. When she undressed herself she looked at her body in the mirror. She started to rub her stomach gently. when she was done admiring her stomach she stepped into the bathtub to shower. After she was done with her shower she didn't notice the water on the floor from the leaking shower. When she stepped out she slipped and she landed on stomach on the side of the tub. Lucy moved her body towards the ground and started to cry. She was in a lot of pain and she could barley talk from it all. She began to worry about her baby since she landed on it. She started to call Natsu, if he was a normal person he wouldn't her calls but Natsu did.

"Natsu.." She said with a very weak low voice.

Natsu mumbled in his sleep, he then turned over and continued to sleep.

"Natsu..." She said again.

He mumbled her name so you knew he was beginning to wake up. When he rolled to her side of the bed he noticed that her body didn't stop his rolling. He shot up out of bed when he didn't see Lucy. He then looked around and saw the light on in the bathroom. He got up and went in there to see Lucy couching and crying by the bathtub.When he saw the scene his eyes widened in fear. He knew there was something terribly wrong. He went to her to help her up, but when she pulled back he sat her down again.

"Luce what happen?"

"I was in the shower and I didn't notice that the floor was wet. When I stepped out  I slipped  and fell on the side of the tub....... on my stomach. I don't know what happened it was so sudden and I didn't have time to protect the baby." She said while she was sobbing.

"Okay Luce, We have to take you to the infirmary right now. We can't risk anything for your health and the baby's."

Natsu picked Lucy up bridal style and ran threw the castle to the infirmary. He was running not as fast as he usually did because he didn't want to hurt the baby anymore then it was. When they got there He put Lucy down next to the wall so she would have support. He then knocked on the door but there was no answer because it was late. It was 4 in the morning and everyone was asleep except for Natsu and Lucy so He had to go find the doctor and wake her up but he didn't want to leave Lucy by herself so he asked Lucy if she could call Virgo.

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