新たに追加 (New Addition)

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"Natsu that's why you didn't want to tell me because you were worried about hurting me?" Lucy said with confusion.

"Yeah, Since like this would be our first time...... You know when I....... you know it will hurt you.Luce that is the last thing I would ever do to you." Natsu said with his head hanging down.

"Natsu do you love me?"

"Yes of course I do, with all my heart." He answered as he raised his head.

"Well listen here Natsu you have to hurt me this once okay. It will only hurt the first time it goes in." She said with love i her eyes.

"It depends.... how big it is." She whispered playfully in his hear.

When Natsu heard that he blushed fifty shades of red once more. Lucy laughed as she got very close to his face. She looked into his eyes, she had lust written all over. Lucy began to kiss his neck gently.She slowly made her way down to his chest she unbutton his shirt and started to kiss his chest then his stomach. She stopped at his crotch area. She looked up at him and he was completely red. She smirked and grabbed his crotch area which made him jump a little bit. She then bent over and then kissed that area. Natsu was getting quiet nervous, he thought she was going to unzip his pants but she didn't she got up and started to walk back to the castle.

"H-hey you teased me Luce." He said as he was walking too.

"Teased? I did no such thing Natsu. What are you talking about?" She said sarcastically.

"Oh I see what you are doing here. You are trying to get laid." he said with an evil look.

"W-what! No i'm not Natsu." Lucy said with a blushing face.

She stopped in her tracks and bowed her head down. Which she should have never done. She was now off guard and it was Natsu's chance. He ran up behind her and grabbed both of her breast. He started to play with them. Lucy let a moan slip threw her lips.

"Oh you like it eh?" Natsu asked with a smirk.

"No.... I-I..... don't it's just th-" She let another moan escape her mouth.

"Lucy I wanna see what really makes you tick." He whispered in her ear.

After that he let go of her breast. She was panting for air as she was recovering from that little show. Her face was still red and she was sweating a little bit. They continued their walk back to the castle hand in hand. They greeted everyone and then went straight into the bed room.

(Their Bedroom)

"Natsu are you sure you want to do this?" she said

"Yeah besides you should be getting ready because now i'm all fired up." He said with a smirk

Natsu slammed Lucy on the bed as he started to make out with her. He then broke and went down to her neck... And you know what else happened. Natsu and Lucy had sex for the first time.Breathing heavily Lucy laid down next to her boyfriend naked with the sheets pulled up to her chest. Natsu was just staring at her.

"Luce... Um did I hurt you?" He asked with all seriousness.

"Yeah just a little bit. But i'm fine promise."

She got up to get some clothes when all of a sudden Natsu could smell metal. He looked at Lucy and she had blood dripping from in between her legs.Natsu's eyes widened as she noticed the blood.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW I HURT YOU LUCE!" Natsu yelled from panic.

"Natsu it's okay.This is suppose to happen. I'm not hurt." She said.

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