二つの火竜スレイヤーズ (Two Fire Dragon Slayers)

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The next morning Natsu woke up before Lucy. That never happens, He got up and went towards the bathroom to shower. He was lathering his body when suddenly he heard the bathroom door open. It was Lucy she just woke up to pee. That was her plan anyways, But Natsu had some different plans for her.

"Good morning Luce." Natsu greeted.

"Hey Natsu." yawned Lucy.

"Your still tired?Come take a shower with me so you can wake up." He said with a smirk.

With what he asked her she blushed fifty shades of red. She stood there for a while until Natsu got out and pulled her towards the shower and started to undress her. He then pulled her into the shower and whispered in her ear.

"Just relax babe." He whispered.

"O-okay." She answered nervously.

Natsu started to lather her back with soap and he started to move all around her body. They started to make out passionately. That's how their morning went.

(The West Forest)

Around noon they started her training. Natsu was teaching Lucy step one.

"Okay Luce, Step one: Ignite." Natsu stated.


"Now you have to concentrate your powers in one hand and close your eyes and ignite your hand. Believe that you can do it, trust yourself." He instructed.


Lucy did as she was told, she breath in slowly and concentrated. She was determined to become the best dragon queen for Natsu. She told herself to ignite one hand and she opened her eyes to see her success, But sadly nothing was there. Lucy was disappointed to see nothing there. She told herself that she wouldn't stop trying until she got it right. She has been at it all day with no progress what so ever.

"Luce." Natsu said with worry.

"I gotta keep going, I promised that I would get stronger for you so we can go to the dragon world but I can't. No breaks I have to keep going no matter what. I will do this even if it kills me." Lucy stated with a determined face.

Natsu didn't like how she was pushing herself too much. It was breaking his heart. He did love how she was doing this for him, But he didn't like how sge wouldn't stop. So he had to do something. She's been at it all day without one break. He felt that her limit was closing in on her.

"Luce, Don't you think it's time to take a break? You've been at it all day." He asked

"No Natsu I made a promise and i'm gonna keep it. She stated with a serious look.


Lucy kept going and failing. She started to ger frustrated when suddenly her fist ignited with a flame. How did it ignite like that with frustration. So maybe she can only control her flames with emotions.

"You did it Luce i'm so proud of you. You have conquered the emotional flames. Most dragon slayers can't even control the emotional flames in the beginning.You must really have a gift." He said with happiness.

"Really? I did it good i'm going back to my place to get dinner started. Lucy said with excitement.

(Lucy's Apartment)

Lucy ran inside her apartment to get dinner started. Since she was in a glorious mood she decided to make Natsu's favorite, Fried chicken. He likes it with a lot of hot sauce and now but she is too. When Lucy was done making dinner for Natsu and herself they talked about their day.

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