シングルにする最後の夜 (Last Night to Be Single)

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A week after the funeral Lucy was having her bachelorette party. She was going to a club called Dance World. She was going with Cana, Mira, Levy, Erza, Juvia, and Bisca. Lucy was wearing a nice red cocktail dress. while everyone else were wearing slim fitting dresses with cut legs. When they got to the club they had VIP passes so they got in automaticly. Cana went towards the bar, Bisca went to the bathroom, Juvia went to a table to use a lacrima to video call Gray, and Lucy, Erza, Levy, and Mira went to the dance floor. Lucy was having a wonderful time until some random guy came behind Lucy and started dancing with her. She didn't like what he was doing so she turned around to face him and she showed him her ring. He told her that he didn't care and he grabbed her hand and tried to dance with her again. Erza saw what he was doing, she re-quipped a sword and told him to back off.

"Thanks Erza." 

"No problem Lucy, How about we get a few drinks and head to the table with Juvia." 


Lucy, Erza, Levy, and Mira grabbed some alcohol and headed towards the table where Juvia was. They saw her talk to Gray and They came passed her a drank and started to talk to him too.

"Hey Gray, Where are you guys?" Lucy said.

"Oh we are still at your place waiting for Natsu to finish getting ready." He said as he groaned.

"Oh really where are you guys gonna take him?" Erza asked.

"To a bar." He answered.

"Oh okay if I hear anything about the fairy tail guild at a bar tonight I will be at your house waiting for you to return." Erza said with a demoin tone.


"Hey Gray is Alzack by you anywhere?" Bisca asked coming out of no where.

"Yeah you wanna say hi to him?"

"Yes please."

"Hey Bisc you guys okay?" Alzack said to his girlfriend.

"Yeah we are fine I will see you later ok go have fun bye love you."

"I love you too."

" Hey are you guys talk to the girls?" Natsu said from a far.

"Yeah."  Gray said.

"Oh Hey Luce." Natsu said.

"Hi babe I don't wanna stay long so you can go and have fun. I love you bye." Lucy said.

"I love you too."

"Jellal if you can hear me I will see you later ok Love you." Erza said.

"Love you too Erza." 

"Yeah same to you Gajeel, Love you." Levy said

"Love you too."

"Hey can I say bye to my boyfriend now damn." Juvia said.

"Bye Juvia." Gray said as he hung up.

"Okay you guys let's have us a little drinking contest." Cana said as she sat down at the table.

"Yay." All the girls said.

Round one" Lucy vs. Levy. Levy had a drink in ther hand and so did Lucy. Erza was the person to keep score. They one minute to take as many shots as they can. When Erza yelled go they started. They were both off to a great start. Suddenly Levy started to pick up her speed and Lucy was shocked she started to the same she was five cups behind and the time was runnign out.

" 15 seconds left." Erza said

Lucy started blazing past her cups and before she knew it she caught up with Levy. They had 10 seconds left and both of there faces were turning red Lucy could take it anymore she stopped  and Levy kept on going.

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