お帰りなさい (Welcome Back)

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They next morning Lucy woke up first to see Natsu sitting on the blacony. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She leaned in to look at his face and she saw that there was a tear that just fell down his cheek. She look worried so she took her thumb to wipe it off. She sat down right in front of him.

"Natsu baby, what's wrong and why are you sitting on the ground?"

"Huh, Oh it's nothing. Hey is Akarui awake yet I'm going to go ch-." Natsu was interrupted by Lucy grabbing his wrist before he could walk off.

"Natsu don't give me that...... that BULLSHIT. Natsu we are getting married, I am your mate. So that means I feel what you feel. I know there is something wrong. I am a dragon slayer so that means I have a sensitive nose and guess what I smell Natsu. That's right BULLSHIT.

"Luce I-."

"You don't want to tell me the truth. Don't you remember what you said to me a few years ago. You said you would never lie again. Natsu I just want you to be happy that's all. When you are sad i'm sad too, just... just tell me what's wrong. Please.

"I miss...... I miss Fairy Tail. I miss Gramps, Erza, Mira, Gray, Macao, Romeo, Wendy, Lisanna, and even Gajeel. I miss everybody Luce and I wanted to have our wedding with them all there. But we can't, I want them to meet Akarui I want to  see how everyone changed, I want to see if Gray finally got together with Juvia. I want to see if Erza and Jellal got together, and I want to see if Gajeel and Levy got together. I just miss my family, I though I would be happy with my new family but I miss everyone else too." Natsu said as tears fell down his cheeks.

Lucy felt the same and she also felt bad for her fiance. She wanted to do something about it. She suddenly got up and gave Natsu a kiss before running out of their room. She ran to Igneel's room to ask him a question. Well more of a demand.

"Igneel I want to know something."

"What is it dear, just ask away."

"Is there anyway for Natsu, Akarui, and I to go back to the Earthland?"

"Hm.. Well luckily there is."

"I'm listening."

"Well do you remember how you got here. When Natsu hand to hold your hand a chant a spell of some sort?" 

"Yes something like 'With this power I the dragon slayer of fire command the gate to open.' Something like that."

"Yes indeed well for you to leave you have to chant another spell."

"Sounds easy enough."

"Okay just Natsu and I okay so we be on our way then. Igneel we are going to have our wedding in the Earthland. One there and one here. We do not know how long we will be gone but we will return I promise." Lucy said and with that she closed the door and began to run back to her bedroom

When she opened the door she saw Natsu still on the balcony. Sh smiled and ran to him calling his name.

"Nastu Natsu."

"Yeah Luce."

"I have something to tell you and you are going to love me for this."

"Really what is it then?"

"We are going home.Your wish was granted, So pack your bags we are going back to Fairy Tail."

Natsu got  up and ran to Luce and tackled her to the ground and kissed her.

"I really do have the best fiance in the world and I do love her."

(Time Skip Before They Leave)

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