The Honey Hunters by uma_sky
At last! The much-awaited summer has arrived, and no longer will my fellow mates and I be subjected to the confines of our meshed hive, and, god forbid, our stash of stale honey. Once the order is given, I whiz out of the little entrance, the scents of a glorious summer morning seducing my senses blind.
Ah, the harsh winter was certainly worth waiting through! Warm wind ripples my dappled fur, and my wings are thrilled by the sensuous freedom. When I see rows upon rows of colorful flowers dotting the field entrancingly, I do not waste a meagre moment. I pounce on them, determined to bring back the largest share of powdered nectar and make the Queen proud!
Fresh honey, it's certainly an occasion to celebrate!
Just as I settle down on the soft textured nectar of a brilliant sunflower, a voice interrupts my tranquil elate. "Amelia! Oh, Amelia!" a male voice buzzes my name, and the source of the voice settles down beside me triumphantly.
I suppress a sigh, and not because I am exasperated. Hector is one of the most handsome bees around, and several have their eyes set on him, but he's always dedicated his persistent, guileless attention to me. Of course, it flatters me, but hey, a bee needs her time under the sun. Without a dogged male bee pursuing her.
"Brilliant summer day, isn't it?" he inquires, lowering his body into the pollen. He casts a glance at me, his black eyes glinting with mischief. "Wanna share some nectar?"
I gasp; how dare he? Sharing nectar is an intimate ritual binding a male and female bee together for life, blessed by the Queen and all the elders. How dare he insinuate that I would succumb to such ridiculous promises before I become of age before I earn permission and regard?
"You shouldn't be talking like that!" I exclaimed, flustered and caught aback. "If anyone were to hear us, we might be banished!"
I shiver as the tales of greedy and selfish bees race through my mind yet again. Sharing nectar against the Queen's wishes, consuming nectar before the hive was nourished and the Queen well-fed, injuring one of your own kinsmen... Forbidden, terrible sins! They mustn't be forgotten, and definitely not forgiven!
The bees are then given the worst punishment one could conquer in the realm of mind; they were banished! Banished, I say, banished from the hive, left to wander about all day and all night, with no purpose or house to call your own. I cannot even imagine what that would be like, and I sincerely hope I never will.
I'm a good little bee; I follow the rules and respect my elders, and most of all, do not succumb to evil little things like Hector.
He grins cheekily at me. "Amelia, oh, Amelia. How I long to lick up this delicious nectar with you beside me, just as we are now. Well, almost as we are now. I'd imagine us a bit closer, and –"
A flush creeps up my chubby face, and I quickly silence him with a heated, "Shush!" Glancing around furiously for any eavesdropping bees, I hiss, "There are so many flowers in this field! Go find another one to ruin with your unhoney-like presence!"
"My, my! Don't be so feisty, little Amelia! I understand your fear, don't worry. When you're fifty days old, I'll whisk you away on our paradise honeymoon! And we'll share nectar all day long!"
My yellow face turns red in embarrassment, my heart racing in my thorax. Oh, this bee and all the things he did to me!
"We'll see when the day comes," I say slyly, just as he prepares for take-off.
He stops, his eyes round, his manly bee jaw dropping as he viewed my countenance. And in all honesty, his astonishment is well due, since I've never peeped a word about the day I finally turn fifty days old, constantly subduing all Hector's efforts insouciantly.

Summer Shorts - Anthology
Short StoryThe sun is shining, the days are getting longer and the nights warmer; it can only mean one thing, summer is here. And what's a better time to get your shorts on? But if you're not quite ready to show off your legs just yet, how about you read summe...