We were happy by fascinatedbytay
Being on your own during college break while each one of your friends were probably out tanning in their favorite beaches at their homes was probably the worst thing to ever happen. Attending summer classes in order to complete the college credits we needed to graduate in time was even worse. Looking back, it was partly my fault. All those nights during freshmen year, I spent partying all night and sleeping in all day, didn't help my case, either. Today was one of those days, I put on my sleeveless blue floral dress that ended above my knees, my hair was straightened to perfection, with my bag slung over my shoulder. I might not have my summer break, but dressing like I was on summer vacation was the closest thing to perfection.
Walking down the hill to a little gazebo by the lake where the class was supposed to be held. This was another good thing about summer classes, all the office was closed or at least trying to considering the staff was too lazy to be opened on a break, and very few people came in for help anyway, so most of summer classes tended to be outdoor. When I saw the class had started earlier than I thought, I took an aisle seat because that was the only seat not taken, right next to this guy wearing a grey t-shirt and a flannel over it, his hair was laid back messily like he'd just gotten out of the bed, but the cologne he put on was so strong that I might or might not be attached to it.
I quickly took my notebook out of my bag, scribbling something on the blank paper, looking away at the lake, wishing I was anywhere but here right now. But the deep, raspy voice of the guy sitting next to me, startled me and made me tilt my head to look at him. "You're Mia, right?" He asked, in a low voice, so the other students and the teacher who was still standing and talking could barely hear us.
"Yeah, that'd be me." I replied, shortly, back to looking at the lake again. Curious as to why this guy knew my name, but I just pretended to look busy by scribbling something on my note, taking in what I'd just heard from the professor and writing it down.
"I'm Josh." He introduced himself, taking his hand out for me to take it, that I gladly took and gave a smile to him. He continued again, "I had no idea you'd be here, I thought you were one of the smart kids who would never be in a summer class." He retorted.
I turned my head again to him, raising a quizzical brow. "How do you know me, again?" I questioned.
"I'm in your class. But I can understand if you don't know that," I just nodded my head, pretending like I cared. He opened his mouth again, lowering his head to avoid eye contact with the professor, "Listen, you want to get out of here?" He asked.
Putting strands of hair behind my ears, I shrugged, "And do what? You know summer class is supposed to be taken seriously, right?" I reminded.
He chuckled, taking my statement lightly, already putting his notebooks inside his bag. "And so are regular classes. But here we are," He remarked, smirking. Knowing for a fact that he was right and my ditching side started to make an appearance once again.
I packed my notebooks to my bag as well, getting another smirk from him. "Lead the way." I said, low enough so the professor couldn't hear me. Slowly getting off of the bench, but to my surprise, he raised his finger, excusing himself and I out of this class, that was surprisingly taken lightly by the professor. Apparently, the professor had no interest in teaching the class whatsoever. Guess it wasn't exactly a surprise because if they were told to spent their summer by teaching yet another class, I would've been freaked as well.
He had his hands in his pocket, as we were passing by the lake, all the way to the stadium where morning joggers usually did their thing up until the sun truly rose. And to my judgement, I was right. Many people were running in circle; some alone, some with their friends, some were playing football right in the middle of a field.

Summer Shorts - Anthology
Short StoryThe sun is shining, the days are getting longer and the nights warmer; it can only mean one thing, summer is here. And what's a better time to get your shorts on? But if you're not quite ready to show off your legs just yet, how about you read summe...