2075 by tillmore

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2075 by tillmore

ADELINE HAS ALWAYS loved standing barefoot on grass.

With its soft blades brushing up against the wrinkled soles of her feet and the morning dew licking her heel, there came over her a sense of contentment.

But it was the summer of 2075, and the grass was as dry and rough as sandpaper; yet, Adeline was compelled to remove her flip-flops and place her feet against the greenery of the Home.

It was a Monday, the infamous day of the week but Adeline was as optimistic as they come. Her posture did not waver as she stood out in the open, breathing the fresh summer air. "Thank you," she whispered to no one in particular because she'd always been taught to be thankful for the little things in life.

Like Mark, for instance.

In Adeline's eyes, there was nothing more beautiful than nature walks at the Home. After her daughter had dropped her off at the gate like she had been doing every single summer morning, the very first thing that her eyes landed on was the grass.

It was almost as if she could see the ghosts of Mark and her sitting on it in the summer of 2015.


"Hey," he had said, eyeing the book she was holding. His black eyes had the shine of all the stars in the universe. "Whatcha readin'?"

"Um, do I even know you?" 16-year-old Adeline had asked, nonchalantly.

"I love to read." He'd stated, proudly as he plopped down next to her. "There, now you know me. So, whatcha readin'?"

Adeline had stared at him for what felt like a good ten seconds before sighing, "To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee."

"Jem dies," he'd said, taking her by surprise.


"Sheesh, I'm kidding!" The black-eyes boy had chuckled and pointed to the brown paper she had used to cover the title. "Wrapping your book isn't the best way to keep people from spoiling the plot for you, you know?"

Adeline had raised her eyebrows. "How did you now that that was why I had it wrapped?"

The boy had simply shrugged. "I can see through people and understand them."

"Well, you can't see through me," Adeline had said, defensively looking back into her book. "I'm different."

"That's a very cliché thing to say."

"Well, then I guess I'm a very cliché person."

Then, it had been his turn to stare. But unlike Adeline's death glare, the boy who loved to read had eyes that were kind - filled with a thousand emotions that he could never put into words and a fascination with the girl in front of him that would never cease. They had then shared a smile as if they both knew.

"I'm Mark."

"I'm Adeline."

That was the beginning.


"Mrs Adeline Starr?" said an attendant, interrupting her thoughts.

"Yes, that would be me," she smiled, in response.

"He's ready to see you."

Nodding, she grabbed her black cane- the kind made of sturdy wood - that Mr Starr had gotten carved out especially for her and she loved carrying it around, even on days when she felt like she didn't need it. Presently, she leaned on it as she slipped her toes into her flip-flops and started walking towards the building with the assistance of the attendant.

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