Chapter 15

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You arrived at the the Survey Corps HQ. You got off your horse and stretched. You gazed around and then saw Eren.

"Eren!" You yelled and raced over to him and gave him a big hug.

"(Y/n)!" He said and smiled embracing you. "You joined the corps and so did you guys. That must mean Marco and Annie went to the Military police."

"Marco is dead," Jean said coldly.
You stared at Jean in shock and so did Eren.

"What do you mean he's dead? You're joking right," Eren said desperately.

"He's not joking," Reiner said walking over to them. "I'm sorry."

Eren began to tear up and so did you. You hugged Eren tightly afraid to lose him as well. Reiner stared at the both of you with narrowed eyes.

"Hey recruits. Your uniforms are in. Better put them on before the expedition tomorrow," a voice said.

"Expedition. So soon," you said surprised. "I don't know if I'm ready."

"You'll be fine. Don't worry," Eren said and gave a reassuring smile.

You then nodded and looked over at Reiner who had walked off to talk to Bertholdt. You sighed and went to get your uniform.

/Le time skip\
"Let the 57th expedition begin! Forward!" Erwin yelled and we all raced through the gate to outside the wall.

"Be careful out there," Jean called to you and Armin.

You nodded and then you and Armin rode off with the other soldiers in your group.

/Time skip to an hour later\
It had been awhile since a red flare and it was peaceful. Too peaceful. And then we saw it. A black flare, an abnormal. Armin shot the next flare into the air and you sighed.

"I don't like the signs of all of this. We haven't seen a red flare in awhile and now an abnormal shows up. Something's off," you said.

"Just stick with the formation and everything will be okay," Armin said calmly but you could tell he was nervous.

The group next to you took it out but then there was another in the distance. Your stomach felt sick at this.

"Two?" You said scared and then all the sudden it killed the group next to you. "No!"

"That's not just abnormal. It's intelligent. It's like the armored titan, Colossal titan, Eren's titan, and that winged titan in Trost," Armin said.

"Winged titan. That's what they call it huh," You said and smiled.

Your smile soon faultered as the abnormal female titan gained on us.

"Armin!" You yelled and then the horses threw you both off in fright.

You immediately got up and raced over to Armin who was lying on the ground. Then a hand came over your head and lifted your hood up. It was the female titan. You stared at it and noticed the familiarity.

"No. It can't be," you said softly as the titan stared at you.

The female titan then stood up and left, running off.

"Armin. Let's get you up," You said and grabbed his hand helping him up. "How are we going to do anything now?"

"Armin! (Y/n)! You know if you don't have a horse you'll get killed out here," Reiner said riding over to them with one extra horse.

"Armin. Go ahead and get on. I'll be alright," you said and helped Armin onto the horse.

"There's no way I'm leaving you here," Reiner said and grabbed you pulling you onto the horse with him. You sat in front of him and smiled a bit.

You all then took off after the female titan.

"I saw the abnormal black flare. Is it that titan up there with the nice ass," Reiner asked.

You huffed and folded your arms in disgust at what he said. He saw what you did and smiled and mumbled a sorry to you. He rested his head against your shoulder and kissed your cheek making you giggle. You could never stay mad at him.

"We should signal them," you said pulling out the flare gun.

"Too late. Jean already did," Reiner said as Jean soon caught up with them.

"This is looking bad. Most of the right flank was killed off by titans. They just all came in a group and ran out of nowhere," Jean said to you all.

You shuddered at the thought and then pressed your back against Reiner's chest for comfort as Armin began to explain what happened with the female titan and why it's a shifter like Eren.

"Where is Eren," you and Reiner asked at the same time.

"Mine showed he was in the right front," Jean said.

"Mine showed the right back but they wouldn't put Eren in any danger," Reiner said.

"He must be in the back center. The safest spot in the formation," Armin said.

"We need to attack it so help me. We have to make sure it doesn't reach the commander," Jean said.

"Put your hoods up. It won't kill you unless it knows who you are," Armin said and they all out their hoods up including you.

"That's reassuring," you mumbled and sighed.

Jean then began to pursue the titan and shot his wires at it trying to get to the nape and Armin got to close and the titan knocked him off his horse.

"Armin!" You yelled and were about jump off the horse to get to him but Reiner put a secure arm around you so that you wouldn't.

The titan then began to go for Jean and Armin began yelling things and the titan stopped. Jean then landed safely which made you feel better. Reiner then took the opportunity and jumped off to pursue the titan.

"No! Wait!" You called after him and then took the reins of the horse to keep up.

The female titan then caught him in her hand and blood spurted out.

"REINER!" You yelled stopping the horse. "How could she!?"

Tears began to stream down your eyes but then you saw him slice off the titans fingers and get away. You sighed in relief. Reiner then landed on the ground and grabbed Armin and began to run off. The titan stared at its hand for awhile and then stood up and ran off.

You then galloped over to the others but there was a problem. You four only had one horse.

Cliffhanger! I'm Sorry!

Reunite (Reiner X Reader)(titan shifter)Where stories live. Discover now