Chapter 25

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We all rushed up to the tower and saw Nanaba and Gelgar holding the other two soldiers in their arms and set them down. They were limo and lifeless.

"Oh no," you said softly.

"It was that beast titan wasn't it!" Connie yelled in frustration.

Gelgar and Nanaba then jumped back off the tower and continued to fight but it didn't last long. They ran out of gas and were soon eaten. Tears welled in your eyes.

"I wish I could be fighting with them," Krista said. "They lost their lives to help us."

"Connie. Give me that knife of yours," Ymir said and then Connie handed it to her.

She then stood on the edge of the tower.

"Wait Ymir. What're you doing," Krista yelled and then Ymir jumped.

"No!" You yelled and rushed to the side of the tower and then there was a lightening strike. "Could it be? She's a shifter as well."

Reiner and Bertholdt stared in horror at Ymir's titan form.

"Reiner. Isn't that," Bertholdt asked and Reiner nodded.

"What? What aren't you telling me," you asked them.

"We'll tell you later. I promise," Bertholdt said and Reiner stayed silent.

Ymir then began to fight off the titans, jumping around and biting their necks. You watched eagerly.

"Will we have to take her as well," you asked yourself but it was loud enough for Reiner to here.

"Yes, but we're going home," Reiner said.

Soon dawn came and the tower was going to calapse. You shrieked and held onto Reiner's good arm.
Ymir then came up and stared at you all.

"Get....on," she said in her titan form.
You all then grabbed onto her and she jumped you down to safety. She soon went back to fighting the titans but she was tired and they caught her beginning to eat her titan form.

"Ymir!" Krista yelled and raced over towards her.

"Krista wait!" You yelled and ran after her.

A titan then jumped up in front of her and you gasped. But then it was killed. The scouts had arrived and were starting to kill the titans. Krista immediately raced to Ymir.You spotted Eren and ran over to him.

"Eren!" You yelled and hugged him.
He was acting a bit different. He hesitantly hugged you back.

"I'm glad your okay," Eren said.

"I'm glad your okay as well. I was afraid for what would happen in Wall Sina," you said.

Eren nodded and then everyone began to make their way back to the wall.

They had to put Ymir on a stretcher since she was severely injured. She had lost an arm and a leg. You then found out Krista's real name was Historia. Everything was happening so fast you couldn't concentrate on how some of the scouts were looking at you.

*plays dramatic music*

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