Chapter 21

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You entered the room and saw Commander Erwin, Captain Levi, Jean, Mikasa, Eren, and Hanje at the table. You then sat down with Armin and gazed at everyone.

"What's going on?" You asked a bit nervous.

"We think we know who the female titan is," Armin said. "Annie."

You looked at Armin a bit surprised as to how fast he had figured it out.

"What? How can Annie be the female titan? You've got to be joking right," Eren said and Armin shook his head.

"I noticed how much in common the female titan had with Annie. Her looks and her fighting style," Mikasa stated.

"I can agree with you there since Armin and I did encounter her near the beginning of the expedition that it looked a lot like her," you said honestly.

"I bet she's also the one who kill the experimental titans we had captured. And the way she got passed the gear check she used Marco's gear," Armin said.

"What does Marco have to do with this," Jean asked.

"I don't know," Armin said and then Eren stood up.

"How can we be sure that it's Annie. Do we have any proof," Eren asked.

"It appears we don't but if we're wrong then nothing bad will sure happen," Erwin said. "Here's the plan. Jean is going to act as Eren when we arrive at wall Sina. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin will draw out Annie so that we can catch her if she is the female titan."

"What do I do sir," you asked.

"If anything bad gets out of hand you'll report to head quarters and get reinforcements. You hopefully won't be in any of the danger but make sure you stay out of sight and don't get captured. We'll send up a black flare when we need you to go but don't shoot one in return," Erwin ordered and you nodded in agreement.

'If I stay in the shadows they won't realize who I am if I transform and keep my hood up,' you thought to yourself.

"Sir. What about the other female titan. The Winged titan sir?" Eren asked curiously.

"It's only showed up twice and that was when we were in a diar situation. So it is possible that one of the Survey Corps is the Winged Titan," Levi said. "And both of the times it showed up it helped us. Didn't it?" Armin and Eren nodded.

"So, the winged titan is one of us as well," you said and then everyone stared at you. "Is it possible it'll make an appearances again?"

"It's possible but only a few scouts know about this plan so it'll help narrow down who the winged titan is," Erwin said.

Hange squealed in excitement. "All these amazing new titans are making me feel so happy. I can't wait to get my hands on them!"

Everyone was then dismissed but Eren stopped you.

"Be careful," he said and then hugged you.

"You too," you said softly.

Then you two departed and you headed back your dorm and yawned feeling tired. When you opened the door to your room and stared in surprise as you saw Bertholdt there.

"What was the meeting about," he asked and looked up at you.

"We're leaving tomorrow to wall Sina and they all hope to capture the female titan and possibly the winged one if she shows up," you said and sighed. "Don't tell anyone this except Reiner. And don't worry. I'll save Annie."

"Just stay safe," Bertholdt said and gave you a quick hug and then he left to go tell Reiner.

You then flopped onto the bed and sighed. You soon drifted into sleep and kept feeling nervous about tomorrow.

Save Annie! You can do it. More chapters are coming soon!

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