Chapter 6

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... "I'm a drug dealer, I deal all across the world along side Liam my older brother and Kelly my older sister"

I stood in shock for a moment then finally spat out some words.

"So your a drug dealer?" I asked in disbelif.

"Yes but its not how it sounds." He explained. "I'm in a gang called the Phoniex Stone."

"A gang?"

"A gang."

"And who's the leader of this gang?" I asked.

"Liam." He said.

Of course it is... Only i would fuck not only a killer but a gang leader, wayy to go Supriya really out did yourself here.

"And who's in this gang?"

"Listen Suprya, i really wish i could tell you more but right now i need to get you out of here."

I nodded.

"I'll be back soon" He said.

I nodded again as i watched him leave the room.

My body slid against the wall to a crouching position.

I turned my head to look out of the window as the darkness lured.

"How did i ever get myself into this mess?" I asked myself.

Not long after i fell fast asleep on the cold hard floor with tears rolling down my face.

The next morning Liam bursts into the room where i was lay on the floor in.

"Wakey wakey." He said.

I slowly began to open my eyes realising this wasnt all a horrible nightmare it was in fact my life now.

I sat up and stared up at Liam standing in the doorway.

"You look a mess." He said looking upon my face.

It felt puffy from crying near enough all night and I could feel the heavy bags beneath my eyes as i was physcially and emotionally drained.

"Theres someone here waiting to for you."

My eyes lit up in hope that it was my parents here to save me.

Quickly i got up and followed Liam into the main room of the warehouse where Kyle was standing.

I was relieved that he came back for me, however in some part of my heart i wished it was my parents here to take me home.

Liam cleared his voice before he spoke.  "Kyle and I have made an agreement, you're gonna continure attending school so no one gets suspicious of where you've gone and come looking for you which means your no longer going to be here in the warehouse you and Kyle will be living in Kellys apartment in the city and you will only be coming back here if i need you ,Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." I said, remembering how Liam had taught me to call him sir at all times.

Kyle frowned as i said this but i had no choice if i wanted to stay along for much longer, On the other hand Liam seemed impressed by my rememberence of what he "taught" me.

He continued. "On one condition, Kyle keeps watch of you at all times meaning you will sit together at lunch, he will meet you after ever class and you will both go home together."

On the plus side of this is i get to spend more time with Kyle but in my mind i was conjuring up plans to escape back to my parents.

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