Chapter 4

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Liam sharply turns towards me.

"How long have you been standing there" He said as his voicd turned cold.

"N-not long.." I stuttered.

The sparkle in his eyes from earlier had faded and it felt as though it was a different person i was looking at.

"Don't lie to me" He raised his voice.

I quickly shut up as i feared for my life.

How could someone who was so passionate and kind kill someone and not feel any remorse? The question ran through my mind.

He began to laugh.

I looked at him puzzled.

"You're coming with me" He said and before i knew it he sweeped me off my feet and threw my over his shoulder.

"Let me down" I cried.

"Shutup" He said, throwing me in the back of a strange car and locking to doors.

He began to dial a number on  his phone and eventually someone picked up.

I could see through the tinted black glass but i couldn't hear a thing he was saying and at this moment in time i didn't care, my head was spinning and the real effects from the alcohol started to kick in and before i knew it everyhing went black.

I eventually woke up still in the back of this car.

"Morning lovecake" Said Liam, smiling as he pulled up to a deserted workhouse.

"Where are we?" I said, rubbing my head.

"Your new home" He said before getting out the front of the car and dragging me out the back seat.

Liam knocked on a weird looking door three times and eventually someone opened.

"Ah Rookie, take is girl up to Kelly she will know why she's here and tell her whatever she does do not kill her" Ordered Liam.

"W-wait where are you going?" I asked.

"I've got some business to take care of" He smirked before the strange looking man dragged me up a flight of stairs and into a room.

"She's here" Said the man.

He pulled me closer to Kelly and some other strange looking men that sat on the couch beside her.

"Liam scored big with this one" Said a dark head man.

"Maybe if we're lucky she'll give us both a run about" Another man added.

I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of what these men were going to do to me if someone didn't help me and quick.

"Shutup boys!" Said an attractive purpled haired women dressed in all black as she appeared from out of no where.

"So your the girl"

"The girl?" I said confused.

"The girl who fucked my brother and couldn't leave it as just a one night stand so you followed him and ended up in this mess" She said, beginning to let out a laugh.

I stood with my hand on my arm in embarrassment.

"Well lucky enough for you he told me i cant kill you but he never said i can't have some fun"

My palms began to sweat as she walked round me examining my posture.

She knew i was frightened and she was using it to her advantage, i could tell she was a very powerful women.

"Your nothing but a useless hoe" She scowered. "Liam will use you then throw you out like trash"

The words that rolled off her tounge hurt but they were true, I was naive to think having sex with a stranger would drain the hurt i was feeling but it did everything but that and now i'm stuck god knows where with strangers who would jump at the chance of seeing my warm blood scattered along the worn out wooden floor beneath us.

All of a sudden Kelly's phone lit up. She walked to another room to recieve her call.

Not long later she returned.

"Rookie take Supriya to the room below the stairs and make sure she stays there till Liam returns." Ordered Kelly.

The messy hair and uncleansed man grabbed my arm with tight grip leading me to the room below the stairs.

"Get in there!" He said with a rough voice, shoving me into an inclosed room with nothing but a sheet in the corner for a bed and a broken lamp on a crooked stand.

"Please don't leave me in here!" I cried.

He gave me a look before bowing his head and slamming the door shut.

My stomach was beginning to do backflips as reality decided to kick in.

How was i going to get out of here?

What will my friends do when they find out i'm gone.

I questioned myself as i paced from one side of the room to another.

Lost in thought i tried to block everything out but it was harder then i thought as every sound and every foot step could lead me closer to death.

Suddenly, a change in tune of someones footsteps approached the door and slowly it creaked open.

Who is going to enter the room?

What will your friends do when they figure out your missing?

Find out in the next chapter of  Pregnant by a killer

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