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Sity's POV: I hadn't slept at all the night before because I knew it was the day of the trip. I excitedly called Brianna and asked if she was ready. My parents drove us to the airport and me and her said our goodbyes as we ran off towards the terminal. We went though the security and stopped to get food. We ate and talked about how excited we were and then we hear that we were boarding. We shoved our food into our bags and ran as fast as our legs could take us to the airplane. We boarded and went to first class and sat next to each other. 15 minutes later the plane had taken off. I took out my headphones and listened to my music as I tweeted a pic of me and Brianna on the airplane to Texas!

Brianna's POV: I heard Sity whisper my name as he woke me up and told me that we had landed. Me and Sity got off the plane and went out to get picked up. We saw Magcon and all the boys and ran towards them. We all said our hi's and welcomes and went to the limo. I sat down next to my favorite member Matt. He turned to me and said hi you must be Sity's friend Brianna. I thought to myself " Oh my gosh he knows my name" but all I said to him was "hi." We talked the rest of the way to the hotel and I blushed when he said I was cute. We went in and his fingers interlocked with mine.

Sity's POV: I had sat down next to Jack Gilinsky and Cameron Dallas. We started talked about how much fun we would have and where we were sleeping. I had talked with them the whole way to the hotel and got out of the limo. That's when I notice that Brianna was holding hands with Matt, I instantly said awwww and wished I had someone like that. We entered the hotel lobby and booked our rooms for the weekend. I was staying with Brianna while the boys with each other.

We decided to explore the city before we had to go to magcon the next day. We all rode our penny boards to the ice cream shop and went to the movies afterwards. We saw the movie Hunger Games Catching Fire and loved it. We started heading back to the hotel talking about the movie the whole way. We made it and went up to our rooms. We were all too tired and decided to just go to sleep.

I woke and saw that Brianna wasn't in the room. I got up showered brushed my teeth and got ready. I put on a red Aeropostale shirt, black jeans, a gray magcon hoodie, and a pair of red vans. I went I the other room to see if Brianna was in but she had left. I asked Matt "do you want to go get Taco Bell for the boys and Brianna?" He said "sure let me grab my phone."

We left the room and talked for a bit we got to the limo and I told the driver to take us to Taco Bell. We talked for a bit and Matt told me his feelings towards Brianna. I was shocked for what Matt said but then I said "I'll just ask her how she feels towards you." Just then I had gotten a text from Brianna saying "Sorry I was gone I went out shopping and hung out with some friends at the mall." I instantly replied back, " it's fine me and Matt are out getting Taco Bell for you and the guys, you can bring your friends to the hotel of you want." Matt and I started heading back after we got the tacos and entered the hotel.

We took the elevator up and entered the room. It was dark and me and Matt got worried. We put the food down and walked further into the room. All of a sudden everyone popped out and Shawn and Cameron had shaving cream in their hands for a smack cam. Matt and I ducked down dodging it and surprising Shawn and Cameron by smacking their own hands into their face. They asked with a angry and surprised attitude " How'd you know?" I told all of them I had good hearing and told Matt that I heard someone snicker. I pulled Brianna away to talk to her about Matt. I told her that he said the sweetest things about her and I saw that she was blushing. She suddenly exclaimed "I like him too!" I had told everyone we should watch a movie after we eat.

We cleaned up Cameron and Shawn and all started eating the tacos. After we finished eating we decided to watch a movie because we still had 5 hours to lose. We all decided on we're the millers. I saw that Brianna had cuddled up with Matt and her friend Lali was laying with Cameron happily. I felt alone by myself so I texted my old friend Adriana. She was also a big fan if magcon and was really excited when I texted her asking "want to come to magcon Nashville?" She instantly texted me a voice message of her scream "YASSSSS" which had scared everyone. The movie finished and we started going to the event.

We all ran onto stage one at a time. We did out usual thing talked sang danced ect. Since I was the new member to the group they let me choose who I wanted to bring upstage. I scanned he group if screaming girls when this one girl caught my attention. She had black wavy hair brown eyes and the prettiest smile ever. I stared at her and she looked around and realized I chose her. She slowly started maki her way up and introduced her self. "Hi I'm Kira McCrea." We the. Asked her to dance for us which she had rocked and I asked her to meet me later that day at my hotel room. We moved on to he next part of the day taking pictures,following fans, and singing stuff. We ended the day and started heading back towards the hotel.

Kira's POV: I had looked around when I saw that Sity had chosen me and was shocked. I had mouthed the words "who me?" and he shook his head approving. I was really nervous as I went onstage and introduced myself. "Hi I'm Kira McCrea." After that I had danced and everyone clapped and cheered for me. Back at school and home I never got his much attention I thought to myself. All if a sudden I was pulled off stage by Sity being told to meet him at his hotel room after magcon. I was so excited but bored waiting for the convention it be over. As soon as it ended I started towards the hotel. I got there and knocked on their door. Taylor opened the door and was surprised that I knew their room. He yelled at me to leave and I left in tears.

Sorry guys I won't be able to update for a while because I'm starting school again and I'll give you the list of cast.

Brianna: my best friend
Lali: A friend I had met recently
Adriana: an old friend I met
Magcon boys: themselves
Sity: myself

Follow me on Instagram,Twitter,vine @sitykimm,@sityxk,@SityKimm or @sityxk

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