Chapter two

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   I woke up at dawn. Blueshadow was waiting for me by the camp entrance.
   "What are we doing today?" I asked.
   ''We are going on a border patrol with Antpaw and Brackenleap. Afterward, we are going to teach you two apprentices how to hunt," she said. My excitement faded. Antpaw! Really! I thought I could get away from him. At least Mudpaw isn't coming. Brackenleap padded up with Antpaw.
   "Time to go!" Antpaw yowled.
   "Don't be so loud! You'll wake up everyone else. You need to start to think about others, not just yourself. As punishment you will be cleaning the elders den for a moon," Brackenleap scolded. Antpaw's head hung.
   "Yes, Brackenleap," he said, his voice filled with understanding and sadness. As we walked Antpaw's gaze met mine. I gave him a sympathetic look, remembering to be kind to all, even those who in slaved me. His eyes filled with shock.

Antpaw's point of view

   Why does she sympathize with me? I've been horrible to her. I even beat her! Maybe she doesn't want all the attention she gets for being the smallest. She almost died. Wait? What am I saying? She loves the attention! I'll make a test. I'll be nice to her. If she doesn't do what I want, it'll be the punishment for her.
   I grinned at the thought of tasting blood.

Dreampaw's point of view

After getting back from the patrol and hunting for the first time, which I didn't catch anything and neither did Antpaw, I grabbed a squirrel.
   "Will you share with me?" Antpaw asked as he walked to me.
   "Sure," I said. He toke a bite. Then he did something surprising, he motioned for me to take the next bite. I did, then he did, and so forth.
   After finishing, he started to groom my flank. He asked me how I liked the territory. I didn't want to have any chance of getting punished, so I replied to him. We groomed each other for a while, then I headed off to my nest to sleep. Why was he being so nice. I hope this isn't a test! I don't want to get punished. It hurt so badly. My leg still has a scar from where he bit me.

"Don't ever do that again! Understand?" Antpaw roared. I nodded, my whiskers quivering. Blood welled on the scratches I gave him from nocking me across the play area. (An area behind the nursery for kits to play in)
   "Raise your leg!" He yowled at me. I raised it, and it shook in the air. He bit it so deeply you could see bone. I tried to wail in agony, but my mouth was covered by fur.

I was lucky it didn't get infected. I drifted off to sleep, the punishment in my mind.

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