Chapter six

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I wake up to hear Silverpool- no, Silverstar- call a clan meeting.
   "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath speaking stones to hear what I comand," he yowls. Wait! What? What he comands! Better go hear this. I pad out off the den, looking for Mudpaw.
"Since the leaders word is law, all she-cats must live in the nursery, to never hunt or fight. Just to have kits and to take care of them. Toms, you must expand the nursery. Oh! Before I forget, I get first pick on the she-cats, and as soon as a she-cat takes a mate, she gets her warrior, no, queen name. She-cats will be apprenticed at four moons to train as a queen by a queen," he says.
"Now we are in charge!" Cats called their opinions, positive or negative. Shadowmist lashes her tail in anger, then springs at Silverstar, pinning him down.
   "I will never take orders from you!" She spits.
   "Then die!" Silverstar growls, biting the she-cats throat. Blood gushes out, staining his silver fur. She falls over and twiches, then stops. Shadowmist is dead.
   "Let this be a lesson to those who disobey a males order," he yowls, his deep voice filling the air. The clan is still for a while, then the toms start to work on the nursery.
   "Till the nursery is done, queens and kits must sleep out here, in the clearing," Silverstar meows. This time cats just mumble their disapproval, not wanting to get hurt, or worse, killed.

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