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Gemma P.O.V

I sat under the moonlight as everyone danced around the fire laughing and eating. I always loved when we had these covens get together. I smiled when I saw Echo, Phoenix, Sage, and Rue walking from the trees. My Coven sisters all powerful witches with hearts of gold, and beauty to kill a man.

"My sisters," I said standing and all of my people looked to them and bowed.

"Just as colorful as always," Rue said giving me a hug as she looked around my colorful little village.

"Well, I am the Witch of Rainbows my friend," I said making her laugh as she walked over to my thorn.

The others followed me as we watched everyone smiling and laughing as they danced around the fire. I looked at my father walked out of the biggest hunt holding his rainbow staff and everyone became silent as he held his hands up. I and all of my sister quickly sat down in front of everyone.

"My people, my daughter, and my guest we are happy to have you here on my daughters birthday." He said pointing to me.

I stood making my long hair turn into a bright rainbow that shined for miles. My father smiled at me as everyone cheered for me.

"With my daughter turning 18 this marks 18 years since my wife out Queen gave her life, to give us this young beauty. So as we celebrate Gemma, we also celebrate the woman that made all of this possible." He said and I stood to move to the fire.

I let my hands hit the ground next to the fire and it turned into a great rainbow that covered our skin. I moved in a circle as I chanted my mothers spells that she passed down to me. It was hard to do but to make a rainbow cover the land was a sign to all around us. I stop in the middle of my dance when I heard a scream. I looked like one of my people ran into the light covered in blood.

"The King has died!" He screamed as an arrow hit him again and he died.

The King is dead, The King of Galan can't be dead, because that would mean that the treaty is over. I looked at my father just like everyone did waiting for his word but as his hand moved up, everything became silent. In what seemed like slow motion, a sword slid across his neck like butter. His body fell to the ground as I large man in green and white armor held his head, making everyone run and some stopped fighting.

"Gemma!" Phoenix yelled and I looked over at her.

She and the other women all stood together as our people fought to keep them safe. I moved to run as fast as I could but hit the ground when I hair was pulled hard. I looked back at the man holding my hair tight, a tall young man with the same armor. He just looked at me with his blue eyes and his hair that was almost as long as mine. He pulled his sword up, but one of the men from my village ran to me cutting my hair. He cut high up leaving me with almost nothing but he met the man's swords losing his head.

I stood running again but this time I couldn't find what happened to my other sisters but I kept moving. I ran past the trees, as some of the branches cut my arms, legs, and face. I didn't stop running until my feet gave in and my legs gave out and when I looked back all I could see was fire. I wanted to let out a cry but when I heard a horse I held my mouth shut and moved to a tree. I hid as the horse stopped and heavy feet hit the ground.

"Come on now child of Satan, meet my blade as your father did. These are orders of the Queen herself!" He yelled but I still didn't move just held my breath as I felt his feet on the ground.

I had to get away from him if he killed father than I know I can't kill him. I moved my foot a little and slipped hitting my foot a rock. I held my mouth not to scream but he heard me anyway. I heard his large feet running, and I forced myself off the ground. I spotted a broken arrowhead and grabbed it, just before he grabbed my neck. He pulled me off the ground holding my neck tight as he pulled his sword back.

"My the Queen and Lord bless your damned soul." He said before he swung his sword but I swung my arrowhead at him.

His dropped his big sword as my arrowhead dug into his neck and he dropped me as he gagged on his own blood. I fell to the ground and when I hear another sound, I looked up seeing the boy that tried to kill me. He looked at the big man on the ground not talking, with anger in his face. I stood and he pulled his sword running to me but was stopped when something explodes. He looked in the direction of the flames and started running again. My foot was killing me but not as bad as my heart was breaking. My father, my sisters and my village gone.

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