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Gemma P.O.V

I walked next to the young boys and I ignored how much they looked over my body since they at just children. I tried to ignore how hard the little girls looked at Kay, but I had to understand he is very handsome. I looked back at him and we made eye contact and he gave me a wink and I forced myself not to blush till I came to a sudden stop.

"This is your village?" Kay asked walking to me and pulling the rope off of my wrist.

I looked around the village, it was just huts and a few older men and women walked around chasing two chickens.

"Is there anyone else here?" I asked turning to them and they pointed around.

"Our very young are kept in that hut, and tight now our mothers are gathering fruits and water now." One of the young women said before they ran off.

After a moment me and Kay stood alone looking at the sad village and the older people came to us. They pulled me down to them and looked at my clothes as they spoke to each other in a tongue I didn't know. The people here all looked different, the children had skin as deep as mine and deeper, but some was fair like Kay. I looked as the women of the village all came back and looked at me but they all looked at Kay.

"Who are you people?" A fair skinned women asked walking to me.

"We are friends of your don't worry." kay said pushing pass everyone and heading for he biggest hut in the village.

I looked at the women and children who all still looked shocked but I followed Kay anyway. He pushed the door open to the hut, and looked around. I walked in with him and he pushed the door closed as he looked around finding a map of the area.

"Gemma look." He said and I came to him.

"We should be at the Kingdom in about a month or two." I said looking at the map and it wasn't far.

"These people are weak so they will let us stay." Kay said looking around till be both saw the door open and a woman in her 70 walked in.

"I heard someone was in my sons hut so I had to see just who was he disrespectful strangers where." She said walking to me first.

I feel magick on this woman so when she came to me she smiled and I smiled back at her.

"The Queen of Rainbows." She said and I laughed.

"No, I'm just the witch of Rainbows, I haven't given much happiness to call myself a Queen of anything." I said and she smiled turning to Kay.

"And you have a mutt." She said making me laugh but making Kay angry.

"I'm not a mutt, I a wolf and I'm a purebred one at that." He said and she laughed.

"You're standing in front of me as a human, and you say you're a purebred wolf." She said laughing and turning back to me.

"We will have a festival to celebrate our new friends." She said walking to the door.

"I'll have clothes sent to you both." She said before walking out the hut.

Kay just looked at me as I turned my back looking at the map and forcing myself not to laugh again.

"Something funny?" Kay asked from behind me.

"Do I have to explain my self a Queen to a mutt?" I asked.

He didn't talk just placed his hands onto the table pushing me down some and I laughed knowing he was upset.

"You smell awful." I said laughing and he laughed with me.

"Lucky you always smell nice to me, because you haven't cleaned yourself in almost a month either." He said pressing himself into me.

I turned and face him before he could push me down any more and our eyes met and again my heart murmured. I don't hate Kay anymore but what I do feel for him is unclear to me and I was to scared to find out. He didn't say anything just looked at me and like the fool I am I looked down to his lips and he softly bit his lip.

"Gemma." He said in a deep voice and before I could talk he pushed himself into me more making me gasp.

"Hello." A small voice said and I pushed kay away from me and looked at the young woman who walked in.

She waked in and gave me clothes that looked liked hers and gave Kay clothes made of animal pelt. The woman grabbed both of our hands and pulled us though the village and everyone looked at us. She pushed pass tress and after a moment we made it to a large hot spring and I looked at it in awe. I looked back and Kay was undressing and I turned doing the same, before the woman came back with a bowel and gave it to me.  She ran away quickly and when I looked back Kay had already gotten into the water.

"I wont look." He said turning to look away from me and I quickly undressed and stepped into the hot water.

I grabbed the bowel off the ground and smelled that it was lavender soap. I took some out and started to clean my self before Kay swam over and grabbed it as well. We didn't talk as we both cleaned our selves but I kept taking glances at Kay. He ducked into the water cleaning off the soap and started to leave.

"Your hair?" I asked him and he stopped looking at me.

"What about it?" He asked turning to me.

I put some of the soap in my hand pushed him down into the water with his back to me. I ran my fingers into his silk blond hair pushing the soap around.

"I've felt hair like yours before, well Mace hair was kind of like this but not really." I said and he pulled from me turning around.

"Don't compare me to him." He said moving to me making me move back.

"I didn't compare you to him." I said as my back hit the side of the spring and I looked at him.

"You did compare me to him, and I want to remind you that you cant compare a lion to a sheep." He said ducking down to my level.

"Are you the lion or the sheep?" I asked him in a low voice.

"I'm always the lion, but something about you is turning me into a sheep." He said before he pressed his body to mine.

"I though you only love the Queen?" I asked pressing myself into him and this time we both didn't push back.

"I do love Isabella but...." He said but stopped himself moving back from me.

He pushed himself down into the water risening the soap from his hair and he moved out of the water. I looked away as he dressed himself and I looked back at him making eye contact with him.

"I do love my Queen and she is the only woman I love." He said and I smiled.

"That's not how it feels." I replied and he tried to hide his smile as he walked away.

I closed my eyes relaxing in the water and I felt happiness something I don't feel a lot. Not even with Mace did I feel like this, like I could really be the woman my mother was.

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