9.Cellmate PT.1

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Gemma P.O.V

I slowly let my eyes open in the darkness and my head was killing me but I also remembered what happened. Jago and his people knocked me out and took me here and I was going to die.

"That stupid Knight." I said to myself as I sat up in the darkness.

I felt my body and I knew it, they took off my clothes and took anything that I could use as a weapon. Jago knew I was a witch so he was going to make sure I couldn't do anything to get free.

"I'm not stupid." The voice of Kay rang in my ear, and lucky him I couldn't see where he was.

"You are just as dumb as your Kingdom is!" I yelled back at him.

I could hear that he stood, and was slowly walking to me but I didn't care.

"Why are they keeping us in the dark? Who are these people? Why don't they like you?" He asked firing off questions.

"No, why did you suddenly fell like learn the truth about the King?" I yelled to him and he came close enough that I feel him in front of me.

"You said my father and the Queen killed him you liar." He said back annoying me more.

"You just like a child, to scared to face the monster you know is there." I said taking a step closer to him.

"The only monster I have to face is you." He said letting his breath hit my face.

I took a step back from him and sat down on the cold ground and after a long moment he did the same. He was a fool like most men, most Knights and anyone from his kingdom. I had to think about a few things here, if I tell him the truth and then show him he's going to believe me.

"Kay, your father and the Queen Isabella killed the King the same night as my father died. They did it for control over the Kingdom, but Isabella betrayed your father. She wanted your father to kill off all of the witches, so that Queen Zara and her could control the kingdom and everything around it." I said quickly and by his silence he was shocked.

"Queen Zara is the Queens sister, from the Eastern Islands of Narcissus." He said making me roll my eyes.

"No, the Eastern Islands of Phlox that's the real name for the islands till she came there and forced the poor stupid king to marry her. Think about this for a second Kay, why are you even after me? I have no village, no people, I don't completely understand my powers, and what I can do is very small." I said and I could tell he was listening to me.

"Explain what you're talk about." He said and I nodded even though he couldn't see.

"Years ago before you and I where born, my mother and the other Witch's of Earth came to the King and made a deal with him. He let us live in peace around the Kingdom, and we never come in to the Kingdom. That was the deal and we always held that deal up, until the Queen called my father to the Kingdom. She sent your father as a massager to summon my father and the other leaders to her Kingdom." I said before I heard him take a deep breath, and I huffed.

"My father had no idea why she wanted to meet with the leaders of all the village but it was all a trap. She made sure that your father and his men saw the village leaders walk into the Kingdom, and when they walked out the King was dead. You father took the Kings head off in his sleep, and she watched him do." I said remembering what I saw when I heard him stand.

"You're a fucking liar!" He yelled in a voice sound loud it made my ears ring, and I backed away from him.

"You're a lying witch that killed my father." He said moving to me fast and I stood moving back.

I moved back till my back hit the wall and it hurt as whatever Jago put on the walls burned my skin. I moved my back off of it was met with a hard hand grabbing my neck and pulling me up the burning wall. Kay was squeezing my neck so hard that I could hardly breath.

"Why do you lie on my fathers and the love of my life demon woman." He said holding tighter and I had to prove this to him.

I bit down on my tongue hard making myself bleed, as I felt his other hand wrap around my neck. I held onto his arms pulling them down with all the power in me but his hand didn't move but I forced my mouth open.

"They did it." I forced out and when he opened his mouth to yell again, I spit my blood into his mouth and he froze instantly.

He dropped me and I took a deep breath before I started to move to find if we had a water bowel in here. I moved around the dark room till I hit a bowel of water spilling some on me but I picked it up drink the water. I fell on my back taking in deep breaths still unable to talk but I forced my self too.

"That night I killed you father, I came back to my village to see what happened and I used Dark Magick. I drank the blood of my father and saw what he lived, and I drank you fathers blood and saw what he lived. Maybe I can lie to you, but the memories of your father can only tell the truth." I said before I grabbed the animal bowel of water again and took another drink.

I heard him take a deep breath telling me he saw everything I once I did and when he didn't talk I closed my eyes. It was getting dark out side and I had to rest for my beheading tomorrow and he can think about everything he saw. No, for the rest of his life everything that happened will replay in his head. Unlike my magick, dark magick always was a price and to relive seeing my father die was the price. Now he gets to see his father die over and over again like I have for these years.

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