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Kay P.O.V

Two days later

I looked out at the moon waiting for Mace and his army to show up, because I could smell him. I watched as Yama walked to me with a small bowel full of water. We both stood just outside of the village, just because I couldn't sleep. I could still hear Gemma talking to herself so she couldn't sleep either. I looked as Yama just held the water and I looked at him.

"I'm fine." I said as he placed the bowel to his lips.

"It wasn't for you, but it seems like you could use a drink." Yama said.

"No I'm fine but it's kind of hard to think that Gemma questions her love for me or another man." I replied and he gave me a sad look.

"Based on everything I know, and trust me I know all of it and you should understand how she feels." Yama said looking around the trees.

"I understand very well but that doesn't mean I like it." I said before I heard a howl making me look back.

Mace and is people tried to attack us from behind but he's just a foolish man. Yama looked at me before he shifted and ran to the smell of them getting stronger.

"Kay." Gemma said running to me and turned to her.

"Gemma, you stay here." I said to her and she gave me a nod.

She gave me a look as she turned back heading to our hut but I didn't believe she would stay there. I had to just wait and see what she would do if she had to choose between me and him. I listened to the sounds of growling and snarling. I started to run but I didn't want to shift just yet because maybe I could talk to him, but I didn't want to. I headed to the smell of him, and all I wanted to do was kill him and his people. I walked pass all of the wolves till I saw Mace and his people standing there with there bows pulled back.

He didn't say anything just looked at me with the fire in his eyes that made me smile. He had hate in his eyes, heart and body for me and I loved that.

"You must have smelt me coming dog." He said as I stopped next to Yama.

"Yes you're right I did smell you, jealousy and bitterness has a strong smell." I replied and he took a step to me making everyone growl around me.

"Where is my love?" He asked done talking to me.

"I don't know, go find a woman to love you." I replied and again he stepped to me.

"You fool, do you really think with in a month she loves you. You man she took captive, locked in a freezing barn, mistreated and forced you to lead to your Queen so she can kill. Are you that stupid?" He said and I hide how his words affected me, being something I though about before.

"Listen boy, you have two chooses to leave and never look for my mate again or die." I said and he put his hand back making all the bows come to rest.

He looked at me and then turned his back to me as one of his soldiers pulled out a small bowl. He dipped his finger into some red powered and started to draw something onto him as one started to bang there spear onto the ground. I didn't know what was happening but nothing about it worried me but it did Gemma. I could feel she was making her way to me and her thoughts ran crazy about my safety, but more so his.

"Kay don't do anything till I get there." She though.

"I'm not going to do anything." I replied as the loud bang got louder.

Mace turned to me with the red paint over his chest and face giving me a smile. Everyone growled at him but I held up my hand. They all quickly sat down including Yama but I didn't move. I looked at him as he moved to me fast, and pulled out a small axe before he let out a loud war cry. Mace didn't notice that Gemma ran to me or that it started raining water drops of colorful rainbows.

Gemma jumped in front of me as Mace swung his axe at me and I grabbed her. I pulled her behind me, and moved back a little but his axe still lightly ran down my chest. He stopped when he finally noticed Gemma, and the rainbow rain around me.

"Look at this monster, this shape shifting monster that tricked our Queen!" Mace yelled looking back his army.

"The rain around him is made into a rainbow because on the devil that lives inside of him!" He yelled and I felt Gemma hold my hand tight.

"Gemma what do you want to do?" I asked in her thoughts, but I just wanted her to tell me to kill him.

"I have to tell him, I love you too much to hurt you this much." She said back to me.

"You didn't hurt me, I understand that its hard to do." I said listening to Mace going on back me being a rainbow devil, dog monster.

"I could feel your sadness, I could feel your heart crying and it is breaking me on the inside. I don't care about Mace, but to feel you doubting my love for you hurt the most." She replied and I looked at Mace.

"Mace!" Gemma Yelled from behind me and Mace looked at me.

"That's enough." She said and he moved to me back I didn't move.

"Gemma, its time for you to come home, with me and your people." He said before the loud sound of an exposition went off behind me.

I turned around pulling Gemma close to me as arrows started to rain from the sky. All of my pack ran heading for where the arrows came from. I turn pulling Gemma down as an arrow hit my shoulder. I winced a little as Gemma looked up at me. The sound of horses, metal banging together was loud in my ear. How did I miss all of this coming to us? I looked up at Mace, seeing he had the same intense look in his eye telling me it wasn't more of his people. I looked at Gemma and I knew we had to fight

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