Not beating around the bush.
There are those tv shows that have one or two black characters and sneak in an Asian here and every other cast emended is white.
And for the most part this evidence of racial diversity is a minor character, or the best friend, or that one cameo/extra.
It's like writers are basically screaming: LOOK! Lookey here! We have diverse characters!
If you're going to half-assly add another character to your series just to not really have them serve much purpose then don't include them in the first place.
And then there are often stereotypical representations of these characters.
i.e. Black girl is sassy, bossy best friend who says 'gurl' more times than I have regretted everything in this book.
Or the Asian (who most often is Chinese, but they're diverse but not limited to...Asian does not mean Chinese) who usually plays the role as the nerd or scientist or goodie-two-shoes.
Wattpad Pet Peeves
Randomahahaa pretentious posts ahead its bad and im afraid it gets worse im really sorry for putting you througgh this if you decidet ot read ahahahhahaha pls dont