Hirunaka no Ryuusei (Day Time Shooting Star is the English title) is a shoujo/romance manga written and drawn by Miku Yamamori. It's fifteen minutes to 1:00 in the morning, and after about four hours of reading, I've completed all 12 volumes, 78 chapters, excluding the bonus chapters. To those later.
I know. This is a pet peeves book. I know. Not really a pet peeve. more of a review. i have a review book on my profile. chuck it there.
well, im sorry but I cant. because while this is sort of a review, after reading i just honestly felt the need to voice my opinions to someone or something, even if its a wattpad bot or someone who's never read manga in their entire life. plus this is the only book i think more than 3 ppl not myself or friends might actually read, lol. I hope you'll read this though, because even if you have no interest in manga, the story it has to tell does present its own areas for discussion.
just cause, im also gonna post this review on myanimelist, cause thats where it should be, lol.
____THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. GO READ THE MANGA QUICKLY, IN LIKE 4 HOURS (lol), OR READ A FULL SUMMARY ONLINE. If you don't even plan on reading the manga just proceed, but just know that I am by no means unbiased LOL_____
I'll start and say that I am by no means an expert at manga. I only read it when i feel like, and when i do, i dont stick to one genre. (by this i mean actual plot manga, and not yaoi—*gives rotten smile*) I have no preference really, and just pick up whatever seems likely to be a good read.
above, main characters (from left) (last name first) Teacher - Shishio Satsuki, Heroine - Yasano Suzume, Classmate - Mamura Daiki.
I started Hirunaka no Ryuusei thinking i'd get a student-teacher romance. Not my kink, really, but I read it anyway because the art seemed nice. Was it? Nice I mean? By Jove, yes—it's beautiful.
Wattpad Pet Peeves
Randomahahaa pretentious posts ahead its bad and im afraid it gets worse im really sorry for putting you througgh this if you decidet ot read ahahahhahaha pls dont