Daddy Issues(1)

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A/N: sex scenes are so hard to write when you feel unpretty 🙄😒. The final part to my last imagine is almost done, I just have to find the right rhythm and mental space to capture their intimacy....GAH DAMN THAT WAS POETIC! Lol. But yeah this is where I'm st mentally right now and I couldn't NOT update. So without further due......

"Sooo what you doin' for Christmas? You heading home or what?" I glanced over at my friend, Dyana who was mindlessly nibbling on a carrot, as we sat in her kitchen. We just finished an intense work out session and decided to treat ourselves to some...delicious snacks. I would've preferred a giant slice of pizza- like she'd given her son, CJ but Ms. Go Hard or Go Home over there won't let me cheat before my cheat day.

I guffawed and cheesed at her as if what she said was really funny.

"Girl, with what money? I've got rent to pay the first of the month and bills soon after, plus this acting class I'm taking ain't cheap. Naaaah, I'll have to settle for a home cooked meal for one and a FaceTime session with my mommy." I sighed, lazily biting into the bland carrot I picked up.

If there was one thing I was actually looking forward to for Christmas, it was some fried chicken, ham, mac and cheese, cabbage, candy yams, cornbread and my favorite fruit punch to wash it all down. Oh I was throwing down and feasting by my lonesome and I have no regrets about regaining the 5 pounds I just recently shed. Just thinking about it was making my mouth water.

"Ivy, I love you but that's the saddest shit I've ever heard." Dyana looked at me with sorrowful eyes. Those damn sincere, blue-green eyes instantly made me feel some type a way. I hadn't felt that sad about not going home for the holiday but her looking at me the way she did instantly pulled at my heart strings. I hate when she does that.

"You know I hate when you make me feel things." I mumbled, aggressively eating the small nub of carrot I had left. Dyana laughed and got up from her chair to make her away around the table to me. She leaned down, wrapping her arms around me, resting her chin on my shoulder.

"I didn't make you do anything.. You already felt it." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes, knowing she was partially right. Christmas was in four days and being that I'd moved to LA 10 months ago, to pursue acting, my money was extremely tight, not only on my end but my mom's too. We usually went to New Orleans for the holidays to be with the rest of our family (because they don't travel) but with her new job and her pension being cut, she was robbing Peter to pay Paul just like me. I reluctantly offered to move back home and help her out but she insisted I stay here. She knew this was my dream. So here I was with no one except my home girl Dy and my dog Fonzy. This would be the first Christmas I spent away from my family and I was honestly a little down about it but I wasn't going to let it get to me.

"Lookie here." Dyana squished my cheeks between her hands, making me furrow my eyebrows and chuckle.

"You. Will come to Charlotte. With. Me. and. My. Family. MY treat." She moved my cheeks with every word.

"K?" She finished, tilting my head back so I'd look at her. The woman was a trip which was honestly why I liked her. She was me in a different body.

"Ok." I laughed as she tapped my forehead and went back to her seat.

I stared at her with a smirk as she looked at her phone. She was really sitting there like she didn't just assault my face and tell me I'm going to spend Christmas with her family.

"What?" She questioned. I shook my head. I wasn't going to argue her down. I knew it was no problem for me to tag along to her family gathering. Her sister, Sky worked for the airlines so she flew free and the few times I'd met some of her family, they were really nice. I mean it made me no difference if I was alone or not for Christmas but...I would've much preferred being around some good people.

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