Daddy Issues(3)

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I looked at my phone for the third time in what must have been an hour. 2:29am. . I couldn't sleep and time was moving soooo slowly. I'd opted to take the pullout couch in the living room, making sure that the five bedrooms were occupied by actual family members. It's not that the couch wasn't comfortable but I just couldn't stop staring at that damn piano, replaying the events from earlier.

"I played the piano for and with DeVante Swing. What. The. Hell?" I whispered to myself in disbelief.
"I'm spending Christmas with a famous family. Bitch, I'm famous." I whisper-yelled, popping the collar of my t-shirt. I laughed at my own ignorance then sat up, turning the tv on. Maybe I couldn't sleep because it was too quiet. North Carolina was too damn quite for me and I needed some background noise to drown out my constant thoughts, or else I didn't sleep.
I turned the volume down to 5 and flipped though the channels. Thank God for re-runs of The Nanny. I quickly got up and shuffled to the kitchen to grab a snack to nibble on while I watched. I mean sure I could've eaten more than one helping of food last night but my mama raised me right. As a guest, you have one plate then you lie and say you're full. Don't be greedy.
I searched through the fridge for something light and tasty but couldn't find anything. Damn you winter, you never have good fruit in season.
I looked on the counter and found some bananas. It wasn't what I wanted but it'd have to do.
"Eh." I shrugged peeling the fruit and turned to go back to the living room.
. I couldn't get it to my mouth before I damn near jumped out of my skin and peed on myself. In the darkened archway, Dyana's dad leaned on the wall with his arms crossed. I straightened up, crossing one leg over the other. Given my conflicting thoughts about this man, I was a little uncomfortable with him seeing me in a t-shirt that reached my mid thigh. I'd planned to wake up before everyone and put pajama pants on but sleeping in said pants was a no-go.
"Knew you wasn't full from dinner." His raspy voice spoke. I could see him shake his head in the dark before cutting on the kitchen light. I blushed as he looked over my attire before smirking.

"Guess I wasn't." I shrugged with a nervous smile. I'm too self-conscious to eat my banana now, damn.
I watched him move towards the refrigerator and take out the few leftovers from earlier.

"Oh so you just gon' have a fourth meal, like Taco Bell up in here, huh?" I laughed, crossing my arms.

"Ha! Yup and eat a big ass breakfast in the mornin' like I ain't ate in days." He grinned as he fixed his plate.
"Terrible." I chuckled. While he put his plate in the microwave, I snuck away back to the living room to slip on some pants. The last thing I needed was someone else coming in here and seeing me half naked accompanied by a thinly dressed DeVante Swing. When I came back he was  sitting at the kitchen table eating. Ugh! How did he even look good eating?! He glanced up at me, licking his smirked lips.

"You nervous or somethin'?" He asked, putting another forkful in his mouth. I'm tryin' to be that for- Ivy, go to sleep!

"Nope, just felt appropriate." I lied, tugging at the baggy pants before  taking a seat across from him at the table. I finally built up the nerve to take the first bite of my banana and my goodness, did my stomach thank me.

"That was probably a good idea." He said nonchalantly, eyeing me as he slowly chewed his food. I froze, banana halfway in my mouth and eyes bugged the fuck out.
"Umm" I didn't know what to say but luckily I didn't have to try to come up with anything. He started laughing and shook his head.

"Relax. I wouldn't do anything witchu...that you wouldn't want me to." He mumbles that last part but I heard clear as day and it made me tingle.
I slowly took another bite of my banana, looking anywhere but at him but dammit he was still staring at me!

"Let's talk." He sighed leaning back in his chair, interlocking his fingers on his abdomen. Now, he looked like a dad. A fine ass dad but a dad which made it a little easier to look at him.
"How'd you meet Dyana?"
I raised my eyebrows, not expecting this conversation.
"At the nail shop." I nodded.

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