Daddy Issues (11)

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"Babe, how's this look? I feel so fat. I'm like a whale!" I whined, looking at myself in the mirror. I'd been doing a lot of complaining lately. I didn't mean to but nobody told me being in the last trimester of pregnancy was THIS damn uncomfortable. I was swollen, all over. My knees and my back ached constantly cause let me tell you: carrying around an estimated seven pound baby on a 5 foot 3 frame ain't easy. I was tired all the time, hungry all the time and damn if my sex drive wasn't through the roof. I was a mess and I couldn't wait until I dropped this little girl. Yep, Nicole was right. It's a girl. A chubby little thing judging by the ultra sound pictures. De couldn't have been happier. I don't think it really matters to him whether we're having a boy or girl, he was just excited to be able to be involved from the very beginning, this time. Just seeing how happy he was about this baby, made me even happier.

This pregnancy wasn't easy. I still had my doubts about motherhood and I even doubted that De would stick around like he said he would. There were plenty of nights of us arguing just because my insecurities were out of control but we were making it.

Dyana was slowly but surely coming around. She wasn't making any weekly visits or calling De and I on a regular basis but she did stop by our baby shower ( Told y'all my mama was gonna pull some shit) and drop off a few cute outfits. She didn't stay long and she didn't say much but the gesture was much appreciated. That was three weeks ago and now, here I was trying to find an outfit that covered an 8-months pregnant belly in a flattering manner,  for my first independent film premiere.

I was kind of hoping the movie wouldn't be done until after I gave birth so I could slay this little red carpet but Evan didn't waste time. He was literally editing the movie as we filmed. He had a deadline to meet if he wanted to submit it to film festivals. He made the mark which was great for everyone but right now I was flustered.

"I'm not going. I'm just not gon' go. I'll be at the film festivals, next year." I shook my head, throwing the black dress on the bed. De snickered as he stood behind me, checking himself in the mirror.

"Nah, you goin'. I ain't get dressed up for nothin'. We goin'." He said, adjusting the collar of his button-down shirt. "Done bugged me about this." He mumbled under his breath as he disappeared into our master bathroom.

I did bug him about going with me but only because I knew there would be independent reporters and bloggers there scraping for interviews for their websites and YouTube channels. Evan was kind of starting to become a big deal in the production world and I was lucky enough to work with him.

I knew the questions about me and DeVante's relationship would come up and I didn't want to have to deal with that alone. He'd been in the limelight and he knew how to handle it better than I did. De had a way of telling people to fuck off without actually saying "fuck off". That was rare though; he usually just spoke his mind, outright. Me, on the other hand....I was a work in progress. This would be my first film debut and I was showing up with a huge belly and a reputation of "gold digger" that preceded me. There was no way I was going by myself.

"Huuuh, nothing fits- oh wait!" I smiled, holding  up the black and white A-line dress to my body. I heard De laugh from the bathroom. I'd looked at this dress in the closet earlier and hated it but now it seemed like it was the only one that fit.

I slipped into the dress and had De zip up the back for me before I did my make up and laid my edges.

"Bout to be late to ya own premiere, woman." De reminded me as he leaned on the bathroom door, watching me touch up my make-up.

"Ain't no thang to be fashionably late." I shrugged and winked at him in the mirror. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Hurry up." He said before leaving.

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