Say Your Prayers and Kiss The Devil•3

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"In a world of darkness, you light the pathway to freedom..."

For two days, the demon and the mere mortal stayed locked in the modestly furnished house that seemed to sit in the middle of nowhere– a world of its own. No sound of nature outside or the sound of vehicles or human life. Donald found it relaxing to say the least. Given the stressful circumstances, he found solace in Faith's calming aura.

She'd answered as many questions as best she could, not wanting to skip any details. Some explanations required her to transfer her memories to him like the most recent one.

"So how'd you die?" Donald asked as they laid side by side in the bed he'd first awoken in. He stared at the roses on the ceiling with his hands tucked behind his head. Faith's prolonged silence forced him to look at her. She'd already been staring at him apologetically, making him sigh. He knew what that look meant.
"Let me know when you're ready." She whispered sitting up and rubbing her palms together to warm her skin.

Donald sighed and adjusted his head higher up on the pillow before nodding at her. Faith straddled him just above his waist and hovered her hands closely above his eyes.

The process of transferring memories was a very intimate one yet extremely painful and draining. Donald could equate it to some form of S&M if he had to compare it to anything. He hated it when it was happening but found himself curious  for more afterwards.
He let out an uncomfortable cough and short lived grunt as he felt her squirm on top of him. This was the fourth time they'd done this and her soulless body on top of his still gave him goosebumps.

"Sorry." She mumbled sincerely before placing her hands on the sides of his head and closing her eyes. Donald closed his as well, immediately feeling ajolt of electricity through his skull.
"Shit." He grunted in pain, punching his fists into the mattress.
A flash of white light flickered behind his eye lids before his body jerked underneath her and went limp.

Donald stood in the middle of  green pastures, surrounded by thick woodlands. The imagery was so real. He could smell the pine and freshly cut grass. The muggy summer air clinging to his skin let him know he was no longer with Faith. He was deep in her mind.

Go to the house.
Her voice whispered in his ear. He did as told and trudged through the grass towards a two-story home that sat all by itself in the wooded area. It was a beautiful home but the screams coming from inside made him believe it was no 'Home' at all. The screeching cries of children compelled Donald to break into a sprint toward the house, completely forgetting that this was only a memory. If anyone was in danger, there was nothing he could do.

He reached the front door and tugged at the handle trying to get in but it was locked. He moved to the large window and cupped his hands to the glass to see inside.

Three children, battered and bruised cowering on the floor as they held each other. They were shielding each other from someone but Donald could see who, only a large shadow. He banged on the window yelling for whoever it was to leave them alone but his pleas fell on deaf ears.


Donald's heart beat rapidly as he watched a woman near the small children with a red hot fire poker in her hand. The tip of it literally glowed red as she jabbed it out towards them making the children scream in fear and move back.
"Jesus saves! Do you hear me?! He'll save all of us!!" She screamed hysterically. "I have to cleanse you of your sins!" She reached out to grab one of the two little girls as they gripped one another. She got a hold of the one who he assumed was Faith. She didn't look like her at all but those piercing brown eyes remained the same. The woman snatched her up by her arm, whipping her around as she held the fiery steel close to her skin.

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