Daddy Issues (6)

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Would you mind...

"Will you be quiet. Your loud gigglin' ass." I whispered, shushing Dy as we tiptoed back in the house. It was after 2am and we were a bit tipsy. Well, Dy was drunk as fuck and because i knew my friend, i didn't have more than four drinks cause i knew she'd be on her ass. Somebody had to be the designated mother. It was always me yet somehow tonight those four drinks were the hardest liquor I'd ever had and I was fucked up...not as badly as her but yeah...

All the lights were off which meant hopefully everyone was asleep. By 'everyone' I meant her grandparents. We were grown but this was still their house and coming up in here looking a hot, drunk mess wasn't a good was fun as hell getting this way though! This little city really did have some life to it. It wasn't LA or Florida for that matter but it got the job done.

I hiked Dy up on my shoulder and gripped my heels in my other hand as we finally crossed the threshold into the house. My buzzed ass almost missed the slight step up and took both of us down which sent Dy into another fit of giggles.

"Will you hush?" I giggled right along with her. I'm not even sure what was funny but it was.

"I'm sorry, I just-" she started giggling again and I shook my head, making my way to the stairs.

"The way you was dancin' I thought ol' boy was gon' get the cootie cat. Cootie cat. Haaaa." She grinned.

That's cause I was imagining he was yo daddy.

Her drunken giggle turned into a wide mouthed, silent laugh and I almost lost my shit. I don't know why that silent laugh was so funny but every time she did it, I fell out and alcohol only made it even funnier. I snorted trying to hold my laugh in and buried my face into her shoulder trying to muffle my chuckles.

"I want some pancakes sooo bad." She whispered, trying to pull herself up the stairs. 

I finally got myself together and propped her on the railing to catch my breath for a minute.

These spanx were cutting into my lady parts and my stomach was screaming to be free. I couldn't wait to get naked. This Henny had me literally hot and bothered– in every way possible and I had some post-partying plans once Dy was knocked out. Tonight, Hennything was possible.

We slowly walked up the steps, stumbling a couple of times, missing a step or two, I'd even abandoned my shoes. Then shits was holding me back. I needed a good hold on the banister. Anyway, we made it after almost 5 minutes. I kicked the door to her room open and drunkenly scurried over to her bed, dropping her heavy butt on it. Dy was small but the woman was solid.

"Tonight was soooo fun." She slurred. Rolling over on her stomach and smothering her face into the mattress. This alcohol was weighing me down. I couldn't even wobble out of the room after I told her goodnight. I think i told her goodnight...either way I ended up pretty much crawling down the hall to my room.

"This why I don't do dark liquor." I muttered while I struggled to get out of my dress. I was cute as hell tonight and I'm a little salty De hadn't done his sneaky thing and given me more of a glance before we left. I understood though. There was no way for him to do that without Dy or Justin seeing. My outfit hadn't completely gone to waste though. I was definitely the apple of a few eyes at the club.

I fell back on the bed in my panties and bra cause I started to feel dizzier than I was a few minutes ago. I hadn't planned on getting this messed up but with Dyana it was inevitable. When I got like this, I got bold. I did and said shit with no regard to anyone's feelings. I also became insatiable. Tonight wasn't any different except for the fact that I actually had someone in mind to feed my appetite. Oh I was getting mine.

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