Daddy Issues (8)

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Welp, there was nothing more to be said. The script I'd come up with in my mind was null and void once that damn sign caught my eye.

"This ain't nothin' but the devil. This is unholy." I looked at my dog who was watching me like a hawk. Even the dog know I done fucked up.

we were over a month into the 2018 and although I rang in the new year with a period didn't. I thought maybe it was the stress of juggling back to back rehearsals for two short films while working a part time job; adding to the stress of telling my friend I had a thing for her dad. However, the random cramps, loss of appetite and three occasions of vomiting was not normal for my cycle– not to mention the cycle was hella late. The last period I could remember was a couple of weeks before Dy and I went to see her family. My roommate, Paige, was the first to mention my odd behavior and plant the idea that I may be pregnant. We were pretty close so I may or may not have told her I had a little fun in NC; not with who though.

"So?" Paige asked after knocking on the door. I huffed and flailed my arms like I was having a tantrum (hell, I was) before I opened the door, holding the stick in her face. She concentrated on the symbol before her eyes widened.

"Oh shit."

"Oh shit is right. What am I gon' do, Paige?"

She put her arm around my shoulder and I instantly fell into her embrace. I'm not ready to be a mom, not even a little bit and Lord knows I'm not ready to be DeVante Swing's baby mama. I guess I got what I asked for though. This is a fucking soap opera in real life..

"First, you've gotta tell the father. Then...I don't really know, take it from there." I guess that was the obvious thing to do. Sit and talk things out with De and come to a mutual agreement about what we'd do. I doubt he wanted to start all over with fatherhood and although it'd hurt to cut this experience short, I wasn't mentally, emotionally or financially prepared to be a parent. Maybe we'd be on the same page.

This definitely made shit harder now. On the bright side, I doubt Dyana would hit me if she knew I was pregnant....right?

Paige hugged me as I continuously sighed to expel my fear and tension. I was NOT going to cry about this. It wasn't the end of the world but my world was definitely taking a beating by no one other than my own self m. I knew better but I let my lust get the best of me and it spiraled into this.

After a few minutes, she told me she had to get to rehearsals for a play she was in. She kissed the top of my head and left, leaving me to my own jacked up thoughts.

"You gotta do it. You gotta do this." I amped myself up as I held my phone, willing myself to dial DeVante's number. We'd been talking almost everyday since we got back to California but I was nervous as hell right now.

"Wassup?" His deep voice came through the receiver before I could speak and I was instantly consumed with butterflies in my churning stomach. Weird right?

"H-hey. Um, what are your plans for today?" I nibbled on my thumb nail.

"Shit, in the studio but I can do it later if you want me to." That man stayed in a studio. It was a wonder, he didn't just sell his ranch and live out of a studio. Had to applaud his work ethic though.

"Actually yeah. Is it okay if I come visit?"

I heard him chuckle and I knew he was smiling when he spoke, which only made me smile.

"Of course. It's bout time. I'mma send you the address. Actually, it's kinda far. I can have somebody come get you if-"

"No, no it's okay. I can make the drive. I'll see you in a bit."

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