Daddy Issues(5)

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Guess whose bizzack! ^ He so damn fine. I need new pictures. I need him to stop being a hermit for like 3 days so somebody can get some pictures of him lol.
I how y'all enjoy this and all of it's typos lol.

The house was a little less chaotic now that Christmas passed three days ago. Dy's uncle, Derek, had to go back to work so he and Destiny left this morning– promising they'd be back for New Year's since they only lived a couple of hours away. Justin's two cousins, on his mom's side, left as well. I hadn't even known they weren't DeGrates until they said so. They called Ms. Mary 'grandma' all the same. Family is family though.

With them gone, it left myself, Dyana, CJ, Justin and Journey, Dalvin and of course him, in addition to Ms. Mary and Reverend DeGrate.

The house was still pretty live with Justin and Dyana constantly picking with each other and their kids doing the same. The holiday vibe was still alive and well and an even brighter side was that a bedroom was free for me now. Oh the sleep was going to be real tonight.

I hadn't seen much of  De yesterday, mainly because he'd been out most of the day at a studio. The man was clearly a workaholic. Who voluntarily works on the holidays? Not my ass.

It was nice not having those butterflies in my stomach when I saw his face or any of those other pesky emotions that came rushing when he was near me but I can't lie and say I didn't miss it a little bit.

Despite all my confusion, we still had great conversation. He was quite interesting and funny. I mean we didn't go out of our way to talk to one another (we didn't want anyone growing suspicious) but if we crossed paths in the house, we'd chat; sometimes with other family members around, sometimes not.

He hadn't tried anything with me since the day after Christmas ( got my ass while I was coming out the bathroom after my shower) and although I thought that's what I wanted, I wasn't sure how I felt about it now. The man's touch was addictive and I was starting to have withdrawals. I'm a mess. No one seemed to notice except the one person I was hoping wouldn't but I should've known better than to expect that.

In the past two days, Dy asked me at least 5 times if I was okay and if I was enjoying my stay with her. I kept telling her yes, which was the truth, but she kept saying that something was wrong. She felt like my "chakra was off". Her hippity dippity mother of the universe ass. I mean she wasn't wrong but I need her to quit being so damn intuitive.

Because she insisted, today we were going to have a spa day; her, Ms. Mary, Journey and I. I wasn't going to turn that down. My body was tense and a bit sore from being handled so roughly by a certain someone. I could use a nice deep tissue massage.

I sat at the piano with Journey, pattering out light tunes while we waited for the rest of them to finish getting ready. Dy was helping Ms. Mary with her hair and Journey was trying to copy my finger movements across the keys, making me chuckle.

"Your fingers move too fast." She pouted.

"C'mon let me show you." I scooted the bench back and let her stand in between my legs.

"Put your hands here." I took her little hands and put them under mine and began slowly moving over the keys.

"We'll do an easy one." We started playing Chopsticks and she was just tickled that she was playing at all.

"That was easy!" She cheesed.
"Right? If you stick with it, you'll be able to do this." I effortlessly played the first half of Scott Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag and grinned at her.

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