Daddy Issues(2)

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"O-o-o- o-o-oh Rudolph the red nose reindeeeer! Had a very shiiiiny noooose!" Me, Dyana and all of her cousins sang proudly and off key as her dad played on the grand piano in the living room. We'd been at this, on and off again, for some hours  now; taking breaks to eat, chat and watch TV but we somehow always ended up singing another Christmas song with Dyana coaxing her dad into playing the piano. It didn't take much coaxing though. I could tell by the smile on his face, he was happy to do it and so was I. The man could play. He still had it.

"Y'all need to sit down! You know darn well you can't sing!" Justin heckled from the kitchen. Of course, his greedy butt was making his third plate for the evening. And to think we were going to have to cook this all over again tomorrow. That's right, WE helped Ms. Mary cook. It wouldn't have been right to have her cook all alone- especially since there are about 8 able-bodied adults in her house. She was capable of doing but it just felt weird to have her cook all that food by herself.

"You shut up and eat your ham, pork butt!" Sky yelled. We all laughed and their dad chuckled shaking his head as he got up from the piano, taking a seat on the couch next to Sky, who leaned on his shoulder. It was evident she and Dyana were daddy's girls. I raised an eyebrow, watching him as his attention shifted between the TV to his brother, Derek who occasionally tapped him to converse. I was all in that man's face but as soon as he looked my way, my attention was on something else. However, I could sense he was still looking at me; probably finding humor in my childishness. He was probably used to his daughter's friends ogling him. He had to be immune to the shit by now.

He made me nervous without even trying, I'm sure. He just had this swagger about him that forced inappropriate  images to cross  my mind. And those eyes! He's. My friend's. Dad! I gotta snap out of this!

"Oooh y'all know my fran plays piano too, right?" Dyana smiled, pointing to me. I instantly wanted to shrink inside myself and disappear. Why she gotta put me out  there like that?!
My eyes bulged as I stared at her. Man, I could punch her in her titty right now.

"I mean I'm- y-yeah I can play but I'm not like ya know-" I stuttered like a fool as I looked from Dy to her family. I caught a glimpse of her dad who had this intrigued smirk on his face. I was about to make a fool of myself in front of one the best musicians of our time. Swear, I'm punching Dyana in her titty while she sleep tonight.

"Let's hear somethin' then, piano lady." He smiled, nodding toward the piano. I blushed but hid it with a side eye at him. He think he funny.

"C'mooooon." Sky whined, leaning all over her dad. She was truly the youngest sibling.

"Okay! Okay.." I huffed, dragging myself over to the piano like I didn't want to. I loved playing, I truly did but playing in from of DeVante Swing was intimidating. It'd be all the same if I stood in front of Prince and sang one of his songs. This was his domain and I might as well jump off a cliff if I mess up.

I cracked my knuckles and placed them over the keys thinking of what to play. Her dad had played all the Christmas songs and I'd be dumb to try to follow that up with my own rendition. I decided to play my favorite Anita Baker song: Caught Up in the Rapture, instead. It was one of the first songs I learned to play  and I knew I wasn't going to fuck it up, no matter how nervous I was.

"Now keep in mind that I'm an artist...and I'm sensitive about my ish." I joked glaring at everyone in the room with wide eyes. They all laughed before Justin demanded I begin playing.

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